IDEALIST What is it ? What for ? Christine MONTAGUT Point de Contact National en France IST & IDEALIST CFCE
IDEALIST EU project made up of 30 EU & Associated member states; Based on original IDEALFIT project set up in 1996 to aid SMEs in the ESPRIT programme it now follows on for IST Programme; The 30 partners work as or on behalf of their National Contact Points For NCPs 5FP works to promote European ideas in own country
IDEALIST Partner Search active - rapid - efficient - The project offers highly successful partner search facilities; Process ensures success by providing help to proposers in preparing their search; SUCCESS This process found partners for over 650 proposal co-ordinators since the 1st Call for Proposals (March 1999) During the first two weeks, there is at least, 50 responses from interested organizations
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposal outline : Keywords : PARTNER PROFILE SOUGHT Required expertise: Description of the work to be carried out by the partner sought: CONTACT NATIONAL CONTACT POINT Name : NCP Country : Tel : Fax : NCP address URL: NCP url addressNCP addressNCP url address PROPOSER Name : Company : Address : Country : Tel : Fax : PROPOSER address URL: PROPOSER url addressPROPOSER addressPROPOSER url address
IDEALIST Partner Search PARTNER SEARCH ID : UK76 DATE : IST CALL ADDRESSED BY THIS PROPOSAL : Call: Key action III - Multimedia Content and Tools Field III.2 - Education and Training. Action line III Self learning for work Evaluation Scheme : One-step Deadline for Proposal : 15 April 2001 PROPOSAL NAME : IREC - (International Radiopharmaceutical Education Consortium) SUBJECT : Production of a web-based learning resource for Radiopharmacy, including theoretical material and virtual laboratory exercises together with a system for distance learning and assessment. KEYWORDS : Teaching, Distance-learning, Web-based learning, virtual-laboratory, database-design. FURTHER INFO :
Brokerage is carried out at international events; Attendees gain knowledge of existing projects, which will help them develop their proposals as well as meeting potential partners 4 brokerage events / year with an average of 40 participants. 50% make further contact with the organisations IDEALIST Brokerage
IDEALIST Workshops To help proposers understand the advantages & problems of working with different cultures & countries IDEALIST holds international workshops about the: IST programme Procedures Content Encourage interaction between participants in developing proposal ideas
For information : Contact us Coordinator DLR - German Aerospace Center, National Contact Point of Germany : Dr Roland Pleger Project Contact Address Project Contact Address : Project URL