Mass-Spectrometric Analysis of Lipids (Lipidomics) 1. Identification 2. Quantification 3. Metabolism
Why to do lipidomics? Biology: Functions of different lipids? Medicine: Diagnostics and Therapy Industry: Healthier food, Quality control
GlyceroPhospholipids >10 classes (PC, PE, PS, PI, PA etc) - Each class consists of numerous species with different fatty acid combinations (>20 different fatty acids) => Thousands of different molecular species possible Phosphatidylcholine (PC)
Neutral Glycerolipids - Triacylglycerols (TG) - Diacylglycerols (DG) - Monoacylglycerols (MG) -Each class consists of numerous species due to different fatty acid combinations => Hundreads of different molecular species TG DG
Lactosylceramide Ganglioside Sulfatide Sphingolipids - Ceramides - Neutral Glycosphingolipids - Acidic Glycosphingolipids -Each class consists of numerous species due to different fatty acid => Hundreads of different molecular species
The complete lipidome of no cell or tissue has ever been determined...because of technical limitations
Advantages of MS analysis Sensitivity > 1000-fold higher than with conventional methods Resolution - Allows quantification of hundreds of lipid species Speed -100 times faster Can be automated - High troughput possible
Ionization methods used in lipid MS Electrospray (ESI) –Does not cause fragmentation –Can be easily automated –Compatible with on-line LC Matrix-assisted laser desorption (MALDI) –Less used thus far –Suppression by PC/SM > All lipids not detected –On-line LC separation not feasible
Electrospray ionization Competition for charge => Suppression effects!
MS spectrum of cellular lipid extract = a Mess! Scanning MS1MS2 Collision cell Detector
How to improve selectivity? A. Lipid class -specific scanning (MS/MS) B. On-line chromatographic separation (LC-MS)
Lipid class -specific scanning Phospholipid class consist of species with the same polar head-group but different fatty acids Phospholipid classSpecific scan Phosphatidylcholines Precursors of +184 PhosphatidylinositolsPrecursors of -241 PhosphatidylethanolaminesNeutral-loss of 141 Phosphatidylserines Neutral-loss of 87
Precursor ion scanning Requires a characteristic, charged product ion PC => Diglyceride + phosphocholine (+184) FragmentationScanningStatic (+184) MS1 MS2 Collision cell (Helium or Argon)
Precursors of +184 => PC + SM -Alkaline hydrolysis can be used to remove PCs SM-16:0
Neutral-loss scanning ScanningFragmentationScanning MS1 MS2 Collision cell (Helium or Argon) Mass interval = 141..when the characteristic fragment is uncharged PE => Diglyceride (+) + phosphoethanolamine (141)
Neutral-loss of 141 (= PE) MS-scan
MS analysis of Sphingolipids
Sphingosine Ceramide Lactosylceramide Ganglioside Sulfatide
Ceramide and Neutral Glycosphingolipids - Precursors of sphingosine (m/z +264) Ceramides Glucosylceramides 24:1
Sulfatides - Precursors of Sulfate (m/z -97)
Liquid chromatography-MS (LC-MS) Advantages - Increased sensitivity due to diminished suppression of minor species by - Major species - Impurities Disadvantages –Takes more time (not UPLC) –Data analysis more complex (?)
LC-MS analysis of mouse brain lipids Time Hermansson et al. (2005) Anal Chem.77:
Data analysis => software A. Processing of the data => Identification => Concentrations B. Bioinformatics => Biomarkers? =>Biological significance?
Quantification not simple Signal intensity depends on: Lipid head-group Acyl chain length Acyl chain unsaturation Ions present (adduct formation) Detergent and other impurities (suppression) Solvent composition and instrument settings => Internal standards necessary!
LIMSA Excel add-on for Quantitative Analysis of MS data (Haimi et al Anal Chem. 78: ) LIMSA does: Peak picking and fitting Peak overlap correction Peak assignment (database of >3000 lipids) Quantification with internal standards Batch analysis
MS-imaging of Lipids by MALDI PI 38:4 Sulfatide 24:1 Hydroxy-Sulfatide 24:1
Analysis of Lipid Metabolism by MS Adds another, dynamic dimension to lipidomics Labeled lipids can be selectively detected! D 9 -PC => +193 (Unlabeled PC => +184) D 4 -PE => 145 (Unlabeled PE => 141) D 4 -PS => 90 (Unlabeled PS => 87) D 6 -PI => -247 (Unlabeled PI => -241) Precursors Water soluble precursors (D 9 -choline etc) Exogenous lipids
Phospholipid Remodeling: Exchange of acyl chains Glycerol Fatty acid Alcohol PO 4 Fatty acid Glycerol Fatty acid Alcohol PO 4 Fatty acid PLA 2 Glycerol Fatty acid Alcohol PO 4 OH Acyl transferase
Analysis of phospholipid remodeling using soluble precursor is problematic D 4 -ethanolamine => cells => D 4 -PE species Kinetics
Our approach: Use intact exogenous phospholipids with a deuterium-labeled head-group PROTOCOL Synthesize a phospholipid with a deuterium-labeled head group Make vesicles containing the labeled phospholipid Incubate cells with these vesicles and β-cyclodextrin (carrier) Extract and analyze lipids using MS/MS scans showing the labeled (or unlabeled) lipid only Determine the pathways and kinetics of remodeling
Unnatural 14:0/14:0-PE is remodeled very rapidly 14:0/14:0-D 4 -PE KINETICS
”Natural” 18:1/18:1-PE is hardly remodeled
Positional isomers are remodeled with very different kinetics 14:0/18:1 18:1/14:0
Pathways of 14:0/14:0-PE remodeling Kainu et al. (2008) J Biol Chem. 283:
Studies with >50 phospholipid species (and PLA inhibitors) indicate that => Multiple acyl chain specific PLAs are involved in remodeling of phospholipids in mammalian cells BUT which PLAs?..and what determines their specificity?..and which acyltransferases are involved?
Conclusions MS-based lipidomics is highly usefull in –Biology –Medicine –Food industry....but needs to be integrated with other “omics” and functional assays Heavy isotope –labeling adds an important extra dimension to lipidomics
Contributors Martin Hermansson Ville Kainu Perttu Haimi