An old tradition and a new technology have converged to make possible an unprecedented public good - Budapest Open Access Initiative.


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Presentation transcript:

An old tradition and a new technology have converged to make possible an unprecedented public good - Budapest Open Access Initiative

Benefits of Open Access Wider dissemination - boon to interdisciplinary areas and developing countries Maximizes use, visibility and impact Accelerates research Stable archive - preservation & migration Permits repurposing of content e.g.datamining Conducive to e-scholarship - collaboratories In sync with generational culture – social networking

Two Roads to Open Access Publish in peer-reviewed OA journals – not all journals are OAI compliant Self-archive peer-reviewed manuscript in institutional or disciplinary repository – generally OAI compliant

Ten Flavors of Open Access to Journal articles – (Willinsky) Home page (self-archiving) E-print archive Author fee Subsidized e.g. First Monday Dual-mode –free online, fee for print Delayed access Partial Access Per capita e.g. developing countries Indexing – bibliographic information & abstracts Cooperative

OA Roles for Librarians Resource Discovery – creating metadata, cataloguing, pathfinders Knowledge Dissemination- ensuring equitable access, less gatekeeping Collections policies, making provisions for OA in consortia agreements, budgets Advocacy for OA, author rights Understanding disciplinary differences e.g. Repec, SSRN, HASTAC

Where we are now 1000 repositories – 31 in Canada, 3 at York Canada #4 among countries publishing OA journals by scholarly societies - 18 CIHR OA Policy for Access to Research Outputs Canadian Journal of Sociology OA in 2008 Biomed Central – 25 Canadian member institutions – 15 York papers in last 12 months Oxford Open – decrease in 2008 price for 8 titles reflecting author uptake

OA Future? More OA journals and repositories More experimentation by journal publishers More open data More open peer review?