MOM Report Galina Vankova RAL, MICE Video Conference
MICE Hall current activities , 2011 Installation of Step IV and Preparation of the fall MICE run Decay solenoid and cryogenic system - PSU - DL Group to replace selected components; order of pumping rigs - in progress ; Focus is on quench detector replacement Liquid Hydrogen system - Heater/chiller pipe work making good progress - Building of vacuum system - mezzanine supports and gate valve/cross installation, various PPS activities - in progress Vacuum installation on roof - vacuum control panel has been installed and roof handrails have been completed Gas bottle rack outside the MICE Hall - has almost completed
Detector preparations - EMR - removed to offline position, awaiting electronics removal and shipment to UNIGE - Report of LK/TOF/EMR survey received from DLS - Both BPMs have been removed - The missing spanner (wrench) for the mechanical beamstop frame has been replaced Online Reconstruction tests - DAQ system modified to run without the EMR, miceraid2 problem needs to be solved - experts involved,DAQ - ready - as soon as possible Target & upstream beam line - T1 removed - Phase II controller installed - Re-build scheduled for , re-installation on three bobbins has been ordered and cooper for cooling jacket has been provided; T2.8 upgraded, tested and installed Tracker integration in Lab 7 has been completed - efficient operational condition Electrical Infrastructure - cable over main door is installed, earth testing in Hall has to be performed