25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP UNESCO Sciences Sector Division of Science Analysis and Policies AVICENNA Virtual Campus Project Technology Enhanced Learning EC, Luxembourg 24-25/ UNESCO/SC/AP SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP Objectives and Strategies Setting-up of e-Leaning AKC in each country. Equip the Centres and Networking it by Internet. Train the staff of centres (Directors, Technical experts and Tutors). Train the teachers producer in process production of e-Learning multimedia courses which be used in Internet network, Intranet Satellite. Develop e-learning courses. Select norms and quality evaluation procedures. (in Science and Technology, Management, Computer sciences and Diplomatic studies.) Setting up of open Virtual Library of e-Learning courses in English, Arabic, French, Turkish, Italian and Spanish. Provide e-Learning sessions for students. SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus Estimated on-line Courses production (15 AKC) Adapted courses40Translated courses (10%) 12 Produced courses80Courses for Blinds (5%) 6 Total120 Partners and EC contributions Commission contribution % UNESCO contribution % Contributions from European Partners % Contributions from Non-EU Partners % TOTAL FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION %
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP Avicenna Knowledge Center (AKC) or E-Learning Centre INTERNE T Class Room Self Service Production Room Technical Room Administration & Information Meeting Room & Library SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus E-Learning Centre Staff Director Educational Expert Technical Expert Technician Secretary
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP Avicenna centre (AKC) provide methodological and technical support to e-Learning training modules producers; provide technical support and information to users, mainly for tutors and students; make available all ITs facilities, in particular, access to the Education Virtual Library and group-ware for course producers, tutors and students; establish, maintain and develop relationships between the e-Learning centers Network and other partners in their respective countries; SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP Quality and Evaluation Process SC/AP SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP Management system of courses production (Avicenna Intranet) Select the projects Support the selected projects Follow the development of the project SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP Campus Management Teachers, Tutors Students Tutoring of students and administration Self-learning and Distance Education Tools for production of courses Avicenna Virtual Library Avicenna e-Learning Platform SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP Central Server (UNESCO) Mirroring Server AKC (UNED) AVICENNA Virtual Library Mirroring Server AKC (Malta) Mirroring Server AKC (Egypt) University in (Egypt) Mirroring Server AKC (UFC) SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus AVICENNA Virtual Library
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP Superposer les courbes selon des hypothèses différents SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP ACTIVITIES WP 1 – Development Strategy and Policy –Strategy and policy –Development method of the network –Organisation of the network WP 2 - Network and Technology Infrastructure WP 3 – Human Resources Development –Training of Directors, Experts, Teacher Producer and Tutors in each center WP 4 - Organise production & e-learning environment –Concept of e-Learning courses and organisation WP 5 Multimedia Courses Production & Training –Production of Multimedia educational Courses - Adaptation and Translation –Training with multimedia courses WP 6 Avicenna Virtual Library and e-learning environment WP 7 Network Validation WP 8 Dissemination and Awareness Campaign WP 9 Project management SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP ACTIVITIES WP1 (Development Strategy and Policy) Kick off meeting (17/03/03) (in UNESCO Paris) Avicenna chart (project) Partner Contracts signed by the partners (17) WP2 (Network and Technology Infrastructure) Choice of set up E-learning plat-form (Plead) in central server (UNESCO) Equipment received by the most partners Avicenna Portal: Project Management System: WP3 (Human Resources Development) Training of Director of Avicenna centers (18,19 and 20/03/03) CNED in Poitiers. Training of Experts of Avicenna Centers (10,11 and 12/09/2003) UNESCO - Paris. Training of Experts of Avicenna Centers (10,11 and 12/01/2004) UFC in Algiers. SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus WP4 (Organise production & e-learning environment) Define of Quality criterion of on-line courses. Management system of courses production (development ongoing) WP5 (On- line courses production) Identify by partners the courses to be adapted and produced. Preparing of the right autors contrats (ongoing) WP6 (Avicenna Virtual Library) Define of Quality criterion of on-line courses. Management system of courses production (development ongoing) WP8 (Dissemination and Awareness Campaign) World Education market (Conference and Stand) May 03 Lisbon (TV Ciencia on-line Portugal) World Conference on Higher Education (UNESCO- Paris June 2003) General Conference of UNESCO (Paris 30 September – 17 October 2003) World conference in ICT (Geneva December 2003)
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus Management Project System UNESCO AVICENNA INTRANET UNED Espagne CNAM France UM France CNED France UFC Algérie ENSIAS Maroc ISEFC Tunisie C.U Egypte U.L Liban P.U Jordanie U.C Chypre D.U Syrie MCST Malte METU Turquie Responsable du projet Leaders WP AKCs
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP Management Project System SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP Management Project System SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus
25/02/04 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/AP Cooperation and clustering 1- EUMEDIS projects –Med NetU N° 503 –Navigation du savoir N° 35 –MEDFORIST & Med Virtual University 2 Unesco projects -Arab Open University (UNESCO / AGFUND) -E-learning for blinds (UNESCO/ AGFUND / OPEC) (23 countries) 3 World Bank Project –African Virtual University SC/AP AVICENNA Virtual Campus