RENCP General Assembly By Vincent MURENZI 19 th February Tel
Updates from recent important activities as per 30 th May 2014 Studies/researches on SNE and IE: NUDOR: Monitoring of the enrolment and drop out of CWDs in 12 YBE in selected schools in five districts. Findings: The enrolment of CWDs in schools is still low though there is a need of having data on CWDs at the very beginning of schooling age. HI: Assessment of learning outcomes for CwDs and other SEN in Rubavu and Kamonyi. Findings: Enrolled: 1077, 67% promoted, 33% repeated, 177 learned through IEPs and 100% retention.
Updates from recent important activities as per 30 th May 2014 Meeting special and inclusive education requirements Trialing/Testing Sign Language in schools and special centres in Rubavu and Kamonyi districts (VSO); Measuring the application of norms/standards and tools in pilot schools of Rubavu by the joint monitoring committee (Mineduc, REB, UR-CoE, HI &VSO) from 20 th to 22 nd May The application of STRNs in schools is quite fair and teaching methods become inclusive ; Disability mapping report is made available (PLAN INTERNATIONAL); Accessibility development in 24 schools of Rubavu and Kamonyi (HI).
Updates from recent important activities as per 30 th May 2014 ADRA Development of a DVD on sensitization about inclusive education; Training pre-service teachers on inclusive teaching methodology in Mururu and Rubengera TTCs; Identification of enrolled CwDs in the districts of Nyamasheke, Rusizi, Karongi and Rutsiro (about 600 stay in).
Updates from recent important activities as per 30 th May 2014 Provision of assistive devices Provision of 495 wheelchairs in the districts of Kamonyi, Rusizi, Rubavu, Rutsiro, Karongi, Nyamasheke, Muhanga, Huye: WVR & HI VSO is currently carrying out the process of consulting CwDs who need assistive devices with specialists of HVP GATAGARA. Next step will be provision of identified assistive aids; HI has provided medical assistance to more that 119 CwDs (epileptic, visually impaired, EBD, physical impairment); Provision of CBR equipments to schools and training of parents by HI
Updates from recent important activities as per 30 th May 2014 VSO Training of teachers on a learner-centred inclusive teaching methodology as part of ALOA and INSPIRED projects Training of teachers, head teachers and sector education officers on special needs education and methodology as part of ALOA and INSPIRED Training student teachers in all 13 TTCs on the nature of impairment and strategies to use when teaching children with these impairments
Updates from recent important activities as per 30 th May 2014 VSO Developing models of good practice to be documented in areas of education of Deaf children and children with intellectual impairment (Umutara, Ngwino Nawe, Urugwiro, Nyabihu and 10 centres of the Tubakunde network) including teaching methodology, RSL, vocational training, parent involvement and adapted curricula
Updates from WG’s Partners UNICEF Draft of Desk Review paper : Equity-Focus on Inclusive Education for children with disability Situation in Rwanda- NUDOR Development of the position paper on Special Needs and Inclusive Education: provision of inputs on what should be taken into consideration to review the policy. NUDOR Discussion and updates on the current draft of SNE policy.
Updates from recent important activities as per 30 th May 2014 Advocacy: NUDOR has set up a technical team (MINEDUC, MINALOC, MIGEPROF, NCC, REB, NCPD, and NHRC, HI) to support in advocacy on IE at national level. The team is operational.
Issues done at high level HI has lead the section about inclusion in the current curriculum review and has provided inputs related to inclusive pedagogical principles; UR-CoE is going to open a school of inclusive education, the first intake to start in September 2014; The E&I WG has actively contributed to the current review of EFA in the discussions held with the consultants in UNICEF H/Q on 22 nd April It focused on: what was done, success and challenges, how to enhance cooperation with the GoR and what are new perspectives to promote IE & EFA?
Upcoming major areas Organization of a joint field learning visit for the I&E WG members in Kamonyi district. Assessment of our projects’ impact, ownership and sustainability. Provision of assistive devices Measuring learning outcomes for CwDs and other SEN.