Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Modeling Website Popularity Competition in the Attention-Activity Marketplace Bruno Ribeiro Christos Faloutsos Carnegie Mellon University WSDM 2015 February 5, 2015
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science 2 Motivation Bought for $580 million in 2005 Sold for $35 million in 2011 *source: TechCrunch MySpace’s demise Sold Hi5 Friendster Summer 2008
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science 3 Predicting Network Popularity w/ Competition Goal: Why: ? ? ? Summer 2008 Fraction of Active Users (t) -$545 million dollars
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science new adopters/semester 4 until late 2008 No Structural Telltale Signs of MySpace’s Demise Matches known theoretical behavior Mansfield’61, Rogers’03, Bass’69 Total Adopters And no abrupt topological changes in 2008 MySpace graph until recently: 35 million users ★
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Economics: ◦ (Mansfield ’63) ◦ (Katz&Shapiro’85) ◦ (Farrell&Saloner ’86) ◦ (Choi ’94) ◦ (Arthur ’94) Marketing: ◦ (Bass ’69) ◦ (Fisher&Pry ’71) Fraction of Active Users (t) Summer 2008 Background: Vast Adoption Literature 5 Computer Science: (Kempe et al ’03) (Zhao et al., IMC’12) (Leskovec et al., SIGKDD’08) (Ugander et al., PNAS’12) (Aral&Walker, Science’12) Sociology: o (Ryan&Gross’49) o (Everett ’62, ’03) o (Rogers ’03) o (Centola ’12) Adopt ≠ Active We know how to model adoption But how to model attention?
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science H. A. Simon on information overload: Information consumes attention (time) ◦ Information-rich world Attention-poor world Systems that “talk” more than “think” exacerbate information overload 6 Attention & Information Overload
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Facebook attention & activity 7 How Facebook Talks (a lot)
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science My Attention My Content Friends’ Attention Friends’ Content 8 Positive & Negative Attention Loops Positive Growth Negative Growth Website Survives Website Dies
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science 9 Proposed Competition Model
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science 10 Proposed State Space states ∅y∅y UyUy AyAy IyIy ∅x∅x UxUx AxAx IxIx Both x & y Only y for nowOnly x for now Neither for nowNot interested in x/y User Subscribes to: Website Killers Never!UnawareActiveInactive
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science 11 Model Transitions User Competition
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science 12 Isolated Network Transitions states ∅y∅y UyUy AyAy IyIy SUM ∅x∅x UxUx S (U, ∅ ) (t) AxAx S (A, ∅ ) (t)S (A,*) (t) IxIx S (I, ∅ ) (t) Media/Marketing gets new subscribers Word of mouth gets subscribers Network x activity attracts user back Other activity takes user away from x Details
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Model Predictions with Constant Distraction Factor 13 Predicting Online Social Network Popularity ◦ How websites do on their own ◦ Evolution with competition Outline
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Signatures of Self-Sustainability Long-term User Activity [Ribeiro’14] 14 Relative attractiveness of activity Fraction of Active Users (t) t t ≅1≅1
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Signatures of Popularity Growth Model prediction: Signatures of activity growth [Ribeiro’14] 15 t t Fraction of Active Users (t) Word of mouth Media & Marketing
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Predictions with Changing Distractions 16 t Predicting Online Social Network Popularity ◦ How websites do on their own ◦ Evolution with competition Outline
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Two observable states: S (A,*) (t) and S (*,A) (t) Remaining states latent & treated as parameters Data from Fitted with Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm using squared error 17 Model Fitting S (A,*) (t) S (I,*) (t)? S (U,*) (t)? S (A,I) (t)? S (A,A) (t)? S (A,U) (t)? S (A, ∅ ) (t)? S (I, ∅ ) (t)? S (U, ∅ ) (t)? Fraction of Active Users (t) Details
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science MySpace Friendster Multiply Hi5 18 Facebook Introduces Wall Distraction of Concurrent Users Increases as Facebook Introduces Wall Distraction of Concurrent Users Increases as Facebook Introduces Wall
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science 19 Results (Facebook x MySpace) t value
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science 20 Results (Facebook x Multiply) t value Multiply
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science 21 Results (Facebook x Hi5) t value Hi5
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science 22 Results (Facebook x Hi5) Model Captures Coexistence and Then Death of Facebook Competitors Too Many Concurrent Users = Fragility Model Captures Coexistence and Then Death of Facebook Competitors Too Many Concurrent Users = Fragility
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Attention feedback helps predict / understand network survival No marketing can save from negative attention loop Insights from model ◦ E.g.: Metrics of node centrality should take attention feedback into account 23 Conclusions
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Thank you! Questions? 24
Bruno Ribeiro Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science 25 Attention Competition Transitions states ∅y∅y UyUy AyAy IyIy SUM: ∅x∅x UxUx S (U,A) (t) AxAx S (A,U) (t)S (A,A) (t)S (A,I) (t ) S (A,*) (t) IxIx S (I,A) (t) SUM:S (*,A) (t) Both x & y Only y for now Only x for now Neither for now Media/Marketing new subscribers Word of mouth subscribers Not interested in x/y Only parameter affected by attention competition “Geek factor” User Subscribes to: Details