Issued by Iskratel; All rights reserved OBR70121a NGN Interoperability multi-site testbed infrastructure Info day – Call5, SO 2.5.6: Testbed infrastructure Prepared by: Iskratel, Telecommunication Systems, Slovenia Faculty for Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Contact: Dr. Roman Kužnar phone:
Issued by Iskratel; All rights reserved Rationale Ensuring: EU a leading position in NGN standardization & deployments by reducing harmonization time and time-to-marketEU a leading position in NGN standardization & deployments by reducing harmonization time and time-to-market future upgrades of the infrastructure deployed across Europefuture upgrades of the infrastructure deployed across Europe +NGN is the key ICT infrastructure of the future; +NGN Interoperability is a strategic issue in EC and equally for SDOs, vendors and regulators! +There is no open permanent testbed infrastructure, specialized on interoperability testing of NGN (e.g. ETSI TISPAN or other SDO NGN) architecture and NGN midleware at application and service layers, e.g. Core IMS, PES, RTSP, other multimedia subsystems in a full scope. +Best practice limited to plugtests, laboratory environments, national/operator-wide or vendors proprietary testbeds: Hard to discover real networks interoperability problems; closed industry community Limited access to a closed industry community excluding the research institutions and the involvement of end-users before commercial role out applications/services/products; Weak feedback to standardization bodies and regulators; Limited early involvement of end-users.
Issued by Iskratel; All rights reserved Scope of the proposal open multi-site NGN testbed infrastructure interoperability testsservice application Proposal to build an open multi-site NGN testbed infrastructure for preparation and execution of inter-domain, cross-functional interoperability tests at NGN service (PES, Core IMS, RTSP, other MM) and application layers (OSA/Parlay). Beyond the limits of: + + labs testbed environments; + + National-wide/proprietary testbed installations; Key issues: + + Inter-SDO tech. interoperability Fixed-mobile convergence + + Functional interoperability: Interop. use/test cases, test methodology, Test tools + + QoS, performances measures, + + Implementation/deployment guidelines NGN referenced architecture according to ETSI TISPAN* Release 1 NGN DRAFT standards * ETSI is recognized as a front runner in NGN standardization.
Issued by Iskratel; All rights reserved Primary Focus SDO specs Primary focus is a functional interoperability 1 between multiple application, signalling (e.g. Core IMS, softswitches, …) and bearer platforms based on SDO specs 1 – According to Consultation report on Review and Update of IST WP for 05-06, focus on interoperability, and signalling protocols are part of the strategic focus of SO Research testbed infrastructure.
Issued by Iskratel; All rights reserved Benefits +For Research Institutions, Vendors, Operators, Service Providers, Application Providers and Content Providers: evidence relating to the Connectivity & Interoperability of a product/solution before placing it on the market (pilot or commercial delivery); increasing the interoperability of the solutions; facilitating market competitiveness; avoiding market fragmentation; +For Standardization Bodies, Forums and Interested groups: to support the development of an important standard/specification; to provide feedback on the coherence and conformity of standardization documents; to support the timely completion of standards deliverables; +For End Users: evidence of the Connectivity & Conformity (and Usability) of a product/solution before placing it on the market; to unblock the broad implementation and deployment of products, applications, and services; to enhance certainty; to ensure end-user involvements and provide end-users perspective on interoperability issues in early stages of service/application/product implementation and deployments
Issued by Iskratel; All rights reserved Broad vision Interoperability test execution in pan-European cooperation!