European Commission DG Information Society Info Day Brussels, 2 June 2005 Focal points: 1. Concepts, methods and core services 2. Tools in Rich Environments 3. Complex validating applications SO Collaborative Working Environments 6th EU Framework Programme for Research John Nolan IST Programme "The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission"
European Commission DG Information Society Work to be done within SO John Nolan Validating Applications Core (crucial) Services for distributed collaboration at work Tools for collaborative tasks Three layered tasks following a systems approach: Innovative conecpts and methods for collaborative work
European Commission DG Information Society Theory and Practice of Collaborative Working in SO R&D should be on the entire spectrum: from theory, logic and languages, including, as necessary, formal notations; through structured methods using models for describing and capturing requirements; to demonstrator ICT systems displaying collaboration as applications implementing the models and illustrating creativity, innovation and productivity.
European Commission DG Information Society Network Access (IP v6, wireless, ) Middleware (SOA) Group identification Synchronization and Persistence of Distributed workspaces Group Traceability Group resources Discovery and allocation. Augmented group Presence Group Management Service composition Visualisation COLLABORATION TOOLS vManufacturingeMediaeProfessionalseRural … VALIDATING APPLICATIONS Collaborative Work Environment providing core collaboration services: Digital representation of physical objects Group Security Environment awareness Semantic Modelling Of Groups Sharing support
European Commission DG Information Society Focus 1: 1.1 Concepts, methods and 1.2 core services SO Collaborative Working Environments
European Commission DG Information Society Focus 1: Concepts, Methods & Core Services Concepts: theory and logic; languages; notations; generic metaphors and models. Methods: structured approaches for workplace transformation, matching a specific workplace to metaphors to models to technology. Core Services: basic, generic, tools for implementing transformed workplaces, by enhancing available platforms. E.g. synchronization and persistence, …. Work by IPs, CAs and STREPs
European Commission DG Information Society Focus 1: Research and development on Services Components Research and development of service components for collaboration to complement existing middleware and platforms, such as: synchronisation and persistence of distributed group workspaces; discovery and allocation of group resources; group identification, traceability and security; management and interfacing between groups of physical materials and digital representations; and environment group awareness, with a special emphasis on mobility. Services Components will deliver a high quality experience to co-workers based on flexible management of services and should be customizable to different communities, making use of different (mobile) devices.
European Commission DG Information Society Network Access (IP v6, wireless, ) Middleware (SOA) Group identification Synchronization and Persistence of Distributed workspaces Group Traceability Group resources Discovery and allocation. Collaborative Work Environment providing core collaboration services: Digital representation of physical objects Group Security Environment awareness
European Commission DG Information Society Focus 2: Tools in Rich Environments SO Collaborative Working Environments
European Commission DG Information Society Focus 2: Tools in Rich Environments ICT and Content-Rich workplaces will require additional, more sophisticated theories, languages, models and tools. Theories and language for modelling groups of workers in complex workplaces. Generic tools and services to support these more demanding models. Work by IPs, CAs and STREPs
European Commission DG Information Society Focus 2: Research on tools for collaborative work Bringing together core services into collaboration tools for sophisticated services Focus on: Group management, Visualization services, Augmented group presence, Sharing support, Seamless interaction, Semantic modeling of complex groups of workers, Service composition.
European Commission DG Information Society Network Access (IP v6, wireless, ) Middleware (SOA) Group identification Synchronization and Persistence of Distributed workspaces Group Traceability Group resources Discovery and allocation. Collaborative Work Environment providing core collaboration services: Digital representation of physical objects Group Security Environment awareness Augmented group Presence Group Management Service composition Visualisation COLLABORATION TOOLS Semantic Modelling Of Groups Sharing support
European Commission DG Information Society Focus 3: Complex validating Applications SO Collaborative Working Environments
European Commission DG Information Society Focus 3: Development of Complex applications (1) In ICT-rich domains mentioned in the text: Collaborative design and engineering, in particular rapid prototyping and simulation in the context of virtual manufacturing; Collaboration in media/content production workers; Collaboration among e-Professionals; Collaboration with and among knowledge and information workers in remote and rural settings. Innovative validating applications for collaborative work in content-rich, mobile and fixed collaborative environments
European Commission DG Information Society Focus 3: Development of Complex applications (2) Cross domain fertilization would enrich these applications Applications should support eTraining and, where appropriate, support new approaches – such as collaborative games
European Commission DG Information Society Network Access (IP v6, wireless, ) Middleware (SOA) Group identification Synchronization and Persistence of Distributed workspaces Group Traceability Group resources Discovery and allocation. vDesign and engineering eMediaeProfessionalseRural … VALIDATING APPLICATIONS Collaborative Work Environment providing core collaboration services: Digital representation of physical objects Group Security Environment awareness Augmented group Presence Group Management Service composition Visualisation COLLABORATION TOOLS Semantic Modelling Of Groups Sharing support