The Case Method: Art and Skill Narrative storytelling for interactive learning
Why cases? Beyond reporting and writing Build skills of critical thinking and judgment Encourage students to think for themselves Vicarious workplace experience
What a “teaching” case does Vehicle for discussion Tells story, stops at a decision point Presents at least two equally compelling potential courses of action Leaves to students hard work of deciding what to do next Describes, does not prescribe
What a case class is Participatory, interactive Faculty as “guide” 3 levels of learning: content, skills, self-knowledge “Less is more” from faculty Vicarious experience
Case Method thought process analysis diagnosis anticipate consequences prescription defend position = Critical Thinking, Judgment
Our case focus: leadership, management, ethics Sample questions: Should an obit identify an Army officer as gay? Washington Post Does crowdsourcing makes sense for community news? Fort Myers (FL) News-Press What price press freedom? Far Eastern Economic Review (Dow Jones)
Case questions cont. In science reporting, what does “balanced” mean? Milwaukee Journal Sentinel York Daily Record How should a news organization react if attacked by the government of the day? BBC How do you balance responsible reporting and competitive pressures? New England Cable News
Case topic areas (broadcast, print, digital) International Investigative reporting Beat reporting (science, education etc.) Crisis management Ethics Media business Strategic management
Topic areas cont. Editorial decisionmaking Newsroom management Blogging Crisis reporting News graphics Gender, race & ethnicity Privacy Celebrity reporting
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