Management of Not-For-Profit Organizations Fall 2014
Cooperatives Status of Co-operatives in Canada should have read this by today ₋ if not, do it this week ₋ main points fair game on quiz
Cooperatives data 8,500 co-operatives 17 million members 150,000 employees $330 billion in assets claims without co-ops we’d have: ₋ more unstable incomes for farmers ₋ uncertain access to high- quality agricultural inputs at competitive prices ₋ less independence and opportunity for Aboriginal people ₋ less consumer choice ₋ more uncertain access to housing at affordable prices
Questions Cooperatives in Canada began as rural support initiatives. As Canada becomes more urban, co-ops have become less prominent. ₋ Should we care about preserving them in rural Canada? ₋ Should we try to make them more prominent in cities? ₋ Should federal responsibility be moved from Agriculture Canada to Industry Canada?
Questions Cooperatives pay the same income taxes as for-profit businesses. ₋ Should they? Quebec has well-established ways to encourage investment in cooperatives. Manitoba has recently started something similar. ₋ Should every province? Should RRSP investments in co-ops be restricted?
Questions Would any of the projects we’re doing be suitable as a cooperative? Should there be other things in or around Providence set up as cooperatives?