e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 Maximising value of Public Sector Information through commercial exploitation a study for the European Commission Pira International, University of East Anglia, and KnowledgeView Ltd
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 "Commercial exploitation" sounds good for business Commercial exploitation can help maximise the value of public sector information (PSI) and be good for business citizens and government Maximising value for whom?
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 Volume, Significance, Diversity PSI - much information of importance to a wide range of users in diverse situations a multi-faceted market whose needs are best met through entrepreneurial and publishing skills by the private sector
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 Is value being maximised? Our estimate for the value of PSI is EUR 68 Billion annually - a substantial slice of total economic activity within the European economy. But only between one fifth and one half the size of the corresponding figure for the USA No PSI is a major but under-exploited asset
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 Which are the major sectors? EU Economic Value of PSI by Sector 1999 (Million Euro)
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 The difference represents potential for growth in EU industries that use and add value to public sector information Value-adding and aggregation opportunities for entrepreneurial "publishers"
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 Barriers and opportunities
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 The Dun & Bradstreet test Source: Andrée Ahano
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 Policy initiatives Diffusion des données publiques et révolution numérique (Government consultation document ) Towards Optimum Availability of Public Sector Information (memorandum presented to Parliament) and Public Information Provision in the Digital Age (FOI study comparing US and Dutch acts) The Future Management of Crown Copyright (Government White Paper) and e- (a report by the Performance and Innovation unit) The Knowledge Economy Greece in the Information Age (Government White Paper) Digital Denmark - Formulation of a new IT policy (Government consultation document)
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 Is this enough? In no member state is there a policy in place with the simplicity and clarity of the policy of the USA: "a strong freedom of information law, no government copyright, fees limited to recouping the cost of dissemination, and no restrictions on reuse" No
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 Trends are upwards Policy issue: Cost recovery
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 For business: US weather industry has circa 400 private companies employing around 4000 meteorologists. German industry: 3 private full service providers; employment less than 150 in total. For government: The EU market would not have to even double in size for governments to recoup in extra tax what they would lose by removing all charges for PSI. Does cost recovery maximise value? No
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 Recommendations sPanel promoting policies for maximising value, e.g. Make PSI digitally available at marginal costs sInfrastructure investment, e.g. Develop and link EU asset registers sPerformance in practice, e.g. Measure and monitor the market Maximise value Vibrant single market Fair and successful trading
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 The difference represents potential for growth in EU industries that use and add value to public sector information Value-adding and aggregation opportunities for entrepreneurial "publishers" For publishers
e-content Frankfurt Bookfair 2000 Thank you