Focusing on Learning Instead of Teaching Collaborative learning Collaborative learning Individual and group quizzes Individual and group quizzes Teaching through case studies Teaching through case studies Online writing assignments Online writing assignments
Components of Course Assigned reading Assigned reading Frequent individual and group quizzes Frequent individual and group quizzes Very short lectures Very short lectures –Presentations on the most difficult concepts –Question and answer sessions Case studies Case studies Writing assignments Writing assignments Examinations Examinations
Collaborative learning Groups Groups –assigned by professor –diverse (gender, age, ethnicity, science background) –permanent –3-6 students Grading Policy Grading Policy –group work accounts for one third of grade –peer evaluation determines percentage of group points individuals earn
Quizzes Review in class Review in class –Students prepare for quiz by talking to their group members about assigned reading –Instructor answers questions Individual quiz Individual quiz –Questions from assigned reading Group quiz Group quiz –Same questions as individual quiz –Grade group quizzes and discuss answers –All members of group earn same score
Case Studies Based on science issues that students encounter in the news or in their lives Based on science issues that students encounter in the news or in their lives Put science in context for students Put science in context for students Illustrate scientific methodology Illustrate scientific methodology Promote skills in group learning, speaking, and critical thinking Promote skills in group learning, speaking, and critical thinking Often require students to interpret ambiguous data Often require students to interpret ambiguous data Model science as a social enterprise Model science as a social enterprise
Working through a case First day First day –Groups decide what they need to learn in order to understand the case –Class discussion of learning objectives –Group members select topics to learn Second day Second day –Individuals teach group members what they learned about their topic –Groups discuss case and decide what else they need to know to understand it –Group members select topics to learn
Working through a case Third day Third day –Groups discuss case –Start project – one per group Fourth day Fourth day –Project due Paper or presentation describing what they learned –Class discussion of case –Professor clarifies remaining issues and identifies topics that may appear on examination
Online writing assignments Calibrated Peer Review Free web-based program written by a biochemist Free web-based program written by a biochemist Allows frequent writing assignments even in large classes Allows frequent writing assignments even in large classes Students submit essays on assigned topic Students submit essays on assigned topic Answer questions about “calibration” essays: Answer questions about “calibration” essays: one excellent, one mediocre, one bad Use same criteria to evaluate essays of three peers (anonymous) Use same criteria to evaluate essays of three peers (anonymous) Evaluate their own essays Evaluate their own essays
Implications for students Initially suspicious of group work having such a major impact on grade Initially suspicious of group work having such a major impact on grade Have greater control over their learning Have greater control over their learning Tend to take responsibility for their learning Tend to take responsibility for their learning Develop skills that are transferable to other classes Develop skills that are transferable to other classes Class time devoted to issues causing most problems to students Class time devoted to issues causing most problems to students Passive students become active Passive students become active Depth of understanding seems to increase Depth of understanding seems to increase
Implications for faculty Labor intensive Labor intensive –Quizzes –Case studies –Writing assignments –Bookkeeping Control issues Control issues –Classroom seems chaotic at times Relationship with students changes Relationship with students changes –Most students initially find learning environment unfamiliar and threatening –Dialogue critical –Professor is not just the expert - also the coach