Teaching Methods EDU 412/413
Lecture STRENGTHS factual material presented in a direct, logical manner expertise can inspire stimulates thinking to open discussion useful for large groups LIMITATIONS experts are not always good teachers audience remains passive learning is difficult to assess one way communication
Lecture with Discussion STRENGTHS audience is involved, at least after the lecture audience can question, clarify & challenge LIMITATIONS discussion is limited by time constraints teaching quality depends on the quality of questions and discussion
Panel of Experts STRENGTHS allows expertise from different opinions can provoke better discussion than a one person lecture frequent change of speaker keeps students’ attention LIMITATIONS experts may not be good speakers personalities may overshadow content content may not be presented in logical order
Brainstorming STRENGTHS allows for creative thinking and new ideas encourages full participation because all ideas equally recorded draws on everyone’s knowledge and experience congeniality reigns one idea can spark other ideas LIMITATIONS can be unfocused needs to be limited minutes people may have difficulty getting away from what is known if not facilitated well, criticism may occur
Videotapes STRENGTHS entertaining way of presenting content and raising issues keep group's attention looks professional stimulates discussion LIMITATIONS can raise too many issues to foster a focused discussion discussion may not have full participation only as effective as ensuing discussion
Class Discussion STRENGTHS pools ideas and experiences from full group effective after a presentation, film or experience that needs to be analyzed allows everyone to participate in an active process LIMITATIONS not practical with more that 20 people can be dominated by a few people others may not participate at all time consuming can get off focus
Small Group Discussion STRENGTHS allows participation of everyone people often more comfortable in small groups can reach group consensus LIMITATIONS needs careful thought to determine the group’s purpose group can get side tracked
Case Studies STRENGTHS develops critical thinking, analytic and problem solving skills allows for exploration of solutions for complex issues students can apply new knowledge and skills LIMITATIONS people may not see relevance to own experience insufficient information can lead to inappropriate results
Role Playing STRENGTHS introduces problem situation dramatically provides opportunity for multiple perspectives; people assume varied roles allows for exploration of solutions provides opportunity to practice skills LIMITATIONS people may be too self-conscious for dramatic skits not appropriate for large groups people may feel threatened by roles
Report-Back Sessions STRENGTHS allows for large group discussion of role plays, case studies, and small group exercise reflection on experience each group takes responsibility for its task LIMITATIONS can be repetitive if each small group says the same thing
Worksheets / Surveys STRENGTHS allows people to think for themselves without being influenced by others students are active in their learning easy assessment LIMITATIONS can be used only for short period of time
Guest Speaker STRENGTHS personalizes topic immediate expertise breaks down audience's stereotypes LIMITATIONS may not be a good speaker costly