Migration Sociology Global and Local Logics: Japan’s Matchmaking Industry and Marriage Agencies Tomoko Nakamatsu Instructor: Prof HZ Wang Student: Jeanette.


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Presentation transcript:

Migration Sociology Global and Local Logics: Japan’s Matchmaking Industry and Marriage Agencies Tomoko Nakamatsu Instructor: Prof HZ Wang Student: Jeanette KY Yuen

問題意識 Is international matchmaking in Japan inherently links to human trafficking? 1.Marriage industry is a social custom in Japan 2.International matchmaking companies are a result of global restructuring 3.Marriage industry has been wrongly perceived due to the standard/ quality of the industry No, it is over generalized

結論 “The business is surrounded by controversy, but that alone should not lead to the conclusion that international matchmaking is inherently linked to sham marriages and to human trafficking. Such overgeneralization tends to see mediated marriage as deviant, female clients as victims, and trivializes their marriage and migration experiences” (p.207) There is a demand and need for global matchmaking services It is necessary to improve the standard of the industry. Regulations on the conduct of matchmaking agencies are needed Comparison with immigration report 2004: “smooth services and stricter actions”

推論邏輯 Past studies Study about trafficking -illegitimate type of migration business (Salt & Stein, 1997) Filipino or Korean women working in a bar or married to Japanese men as comfort woman (McCormack, 1996, Moeran, 2000) Brides being forced to work in a bar or even in the sex industry (Yamasaki, 1988) Commodification and trafficking of women (Wang & Chang, 2002) 1. It is necessary to understand the matchmaking business in Japan from a historical point of view overgeneralization 2. It is necessary to understand the matchmaking business in Japan from a historical point of view 3. It is the standard of the marriage industry that makes people have a wrong perception on such an industry involving trafficking

推論邏輯 (cont’d) 1. It is necessary to understand the matchmaking business in Japan from a historical point of view Late 19 th century: go-betweens got more popular due to modernization and westernization 1930s: private marriage agency in urban area as new generations moved to cities as wage earners 1940s: colonial goal Post World War: public marriage bureaus in urban areas (for widows or former soldiers) 1960s: regarded as outdated but still need 1970s: associations of marriage agents 1980s: large scale computerized marriage information service as well as state fund for the support of depopulated regions 2000: central government’s effort to boost birth rate- finding a marriage partner

推論邏輯 (cont’d) 2. International matchmaking companies in Japan are result of global restructuring Global restructuring of tourism and entertainment industry Overseas linkage of manufacturing industry State policy on immigration (which affect other industries in Japan)

推論邏輯 (cont’d) 3. It is the standard of the marriage industry that makes people have a wrong perception on such an industry involving trafficking There are controversies on legitimacy issues about matchmaking business  Charging system  Private ties sexist, racist and class-cased discriminatory views “ If we continue to see the marriage business as deviant, or their clients as victims of trafficking because they are commodities in the marriage business, we will lose sight of what international marriages mean to the women and men involved” (p. 206)

這篇文章的推理邏輯是否讓你信服 The standpoint is what I agree to but the logic or how these arguments are built is controversial  Social customs in Japan≠ trafficking?  low quality of marriage industry ≠ trafficking?  Illegitimate ≠ trafficking?  what exactly trafficking is? Human trafficking is the practice of people being tricked, lured, coerced or otherwise removed from their home or country, and then forced to work with no or low payment or on terms which are highly exploitative. The practice is considered to be the trade or commerce of people, which has many features of slavery, and which is illegal in most countries. The victims of human trafficking are used in a variety of situations, including prostitution, forced labor and other forms of involuntary servitude.luredcoercedslaveryprostitution forced laborinvoluntary servitude

這篇文章的推理邏輯是否讓你信服 (cont’d) The organization of the paper  Global restructuring= development of the international matchmaking industry  introduction to marriage industry of Japan

文章的哪些部分是多餘的贅肉,根 本與主題 / 問題意識無關? The suggestion on p. 206 Banning of international matchmaking business (p.202)

假如從另外一個不同的角度來看相 同的問題,你可能會從何下手? Define trafficking and compare the practice of matchmaking companies with trafficking From a different point of view Case study and interviews with clients (the women from China, Philippines or Korea) The commodification of marriage industry