CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL2 Overview Product - Biodiesel Biodiesel Process - Simple and Proven Biodiesel – Growing Feedstock Biodiesel Market - Multi-level and Growing Biodiesel Opportunities - Agro-products Worldwide Biodiesel benefits-India/Asia Biodiesel Plant – Construction Biodiesel Plant – Cleancities Biodiesel Summary- Potential, Opportunity and Benefits
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL3 Product - Biodiesel An easily produced multi-market product Environmentally and socially correct As a fuel, substitutes for petroleum diesel with no mechanical modifications to engines As an additive, replaces the sulphur now mandated for removal from petro-diesel Can be manufactured from over 350 oil producing agro- crops worldwide as well as used cooking oils Biodiesel and it’s byproducts are completely biodegradable and non-toxic
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL4 IMPORTANCE OF BIODIESEL Environment friendly Clean burning Renewable fuel No engine modification Increase in engine life Biodegradable and non-toxic Easy to handle and store
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL5 BIODIESEL-Why Lower Emissions ? Biodiesel has high cetane number In built Oxygen content Burns fully Has no Sulphur No Aromatics Complete CO2 cycle
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL6 Emissions Reductions: B20 emissions reductions compared to petroleum diesel: – Carbon monoxide -20% – Unburned hydrocarbons -30% – Particulate matter -22% – Sulphates -20% – NPAH -50% – Mutagenicity -20% Biodiesel - Emissions
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL7 Biodiesel Crops There are over 350 oil producing crops that can serve as feedstock for Biodiesel production. The yield per acre varies from as low as 150kg (corn) to as high as 2000 kg (Oil Palm) Ideal crop would be Jatropha and Pongamia
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL8 Biodiesel Crop - Jatropha JATROPHA IS THE ANSWER ! According to the Economic Survey ( ), Govt of India, of the cultivable land area, about million hectares are classified as waste or degraded land Jatropha (Jatropha curcas, Ratanjyot, wild castor) thrives on any type of soil –Needs minimal inputs or management –Has no insect,pests& not browsed by cattle or sheep –Can survive long periods of drought –Propagation is easy –Yield from the 3 rd year onwards and continues for years –25% oil from seeds by expelling; 30% by solvent extraction –The meal after extraction an excellent organic manure (38% protein, N:P:K ratio 2.7:1.2:1)
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL9 Biodiesel - Jatropha Plantation Jatropha is a hardy plant. Well adopted to arid, semi-arid conditions. Low fertility and moisture demand. Grows on stony, shallow or even calcareous soil. Propagated through seed or cuttings. Tolerates from minimal to heavy rainfall.
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL10 Jatropha Plantation Development Base crop at 5-6Kg seed / hectare, 2500 plants / hectare EXPECTED YIELDS Year after planting Expected yield per ha. Rain fed Crop (Kg.) Expected yield per ha. Irrigated Crop (Kg.) 1 st nd rd th th th & onwards
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL11 BIODIESEL - FROM JATROPHA Economic Benefit: Enormous employment generating potential in rural areas If only 1 person/family is employed per 5 hectares for Jatropha (or similar) cultivation, millions of new jobs will be created in agribusiness New extraction units, transportation, processing and by-product production will generate even more employment Economic benefits and economy growth that will be as sustainable as the never ending demand for fuels
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL12 Effect on Rural Economy Waste lands converted to productive national assets. Creation of jobs in downstream processing. GAINFUL employment in rural sector. Contribution to national energy pool.
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL13 BIODIESEL - FROM JATROPHA Production Example: ….. In India for example: –10 MILLION HECTARES OF WASTE LAND CAN BE BROUGHT UNDER JATROPHA CULTIVATION –Can yield 40 million tons of seed 4 Tons / Hectare ) –Producing 8 million tons of oil –An equivalent amount of biodiesel, off-setting an equivalent amount of diesel, plus producing glycerin, animal food and pulp products –Enormous employment generation potential in rural areas If only 1 person/family is employed per 5 hectares for jatropha cultivation, additional 2 million new jobs 400 new extraction units of 300 tpd capacity to crush the seeds –32 Million tons of excellent organic manure –0.8 million tons of technical grade glycerin
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL14 Biodiesel Process The process has been proven and refined over the last twenty or more years A low temperature trans-esterfication of the vegetable oil is triggered using an alcohol and lye solution The re-alignment of the carbon chain in the solution results in a high quality stable product with operational and performance characteristics similar to or better than petroleum diesel The finished product “Biodiesel” reduces or eliminates most major air pollutants found in petroleum diesel
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL15 Biodiesel Market Required by Diesel Fuel Producers to meet market demands : –As a sulphur replacement additive, Biodiesel meets all government stds. –Biodiesel is a Regulation compliant fuel when blended with petro-diesel for all diesel users Required by all major diesel fuel users to meet regulatory demands: – All state, federal and local government fleets – Large trucking companies – All school districts – All transit and school bus fleets – Marine transport – National Parks and Reserves Biodiesel demand in the USA, Europe and worldwide is growing rapidly
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL16 Biodiesel “LUBRICITY” Lubricity - Major BenefitLubricity - Major Benefit Long term Engine Wear has been extensively studied in Europe and the US Biodiesel has proven to far exceed the lubricity factors for all other additives “Lubricity” tests have shown that only 2% biodiesel as an additive is enough to make “any” distillate fuel lubricious EXXON Study B20, as a fuel, will extend engine life even further than the biodiesel additive FILM FORMING ABILITY 93% FILM (B20) 32% FILM (DIESEL) EPA RULE (JAN. 2001) TO REDUCE SULPHUR CONTENT IN DIESEL FROM 500 ppm TO 15 ppm BY 2006
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL17 The Existing Elements A rapidly expanding demand for a biodiesel industry in the world Biodiesel will create an industry that provides the agricultural sector with a completely new market and production enhancing technology, resolves air quality regulation issues, expands the agriculture sector and improves the economy New technology high capacity Biodiesel plants are available, operating and under construction worldwide Cleancities Biodiesel project knowledge and management skills will insure a successful entry into this new industry in new arenas Government Regulations requiring “Alternative Fuels” to manage air quality will continue to get more strict, increasing demand
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL18 Summary Biodiesel is the now current “Green Category” product that meets all new environmental regulations worldwide Biodiesel provides new jobs in almost every business sector and is driving an “expanding new energy market” Biodiesel Producing countries can meet European air quality standards, increase employment and profit from the introduction of excess Biodiesel production into the market worldwide
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL19 Biodiesel Benefits - Asia Increased Farm Land utilization Reduced Petroleum Dependence Improved Air Quality New agriculture market – Growing Fuel Increases Nation’s Wealth
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL20 BIODIESEL IS REALITY NOW Large number of surveys completed Variety of feed stocks tested Transesterification developed on commercial scale Biodiesel specs. By ASTM & EN Over 40 million miles of scientific testing Approval by most auto OEM’s Tax benefit structure in place in several countries Future projections firmed and growing Legislations in place in many countries INDIA / OTHER ASIAN COUNTRIES HAVE TROPICAL CLIMATE ADVANTAGE ENORMOUS UNDER-UTILIZED LANDS & LOW COST LABOUR READY LOCAL MARKETS PLUS USA AND EUROPE BIODIESEL IN INDIA/ ASIA CAN BE A SUCCESS STORY
Biodiesel Plant Scenario and Overview Cleancities Biodiesel India Limited April 2006 –July 2007
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL22 Cleancities Biodiesel Plant Layout View
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL23 Cleancities Biodiesel Plant View
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL24 Biodiesel Plant – Construction “Off the Shelf” or “Custom” Design Biodiesel plants are available in almost any size (based on annual production capacity at 360 days) Most plants now in operation are “Batch Processors” which require multiple settling tanks (sized to capacity) volume production. Most plants being constructed today are of the more efficient and cost effective “Continuous Processor” type and require only completed fuel storage in ratio to production and delivery schedules Plant size less than 150TPD will not be competitive in today’s commercial market Plant construction logistics support building plants with a Large Capacity upwards of 500TPD
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL25 Biodiesel Plant – Cost Parameters The cost of plant construction will be predicted on: –The desired annual capacity –The design and technology –The location (world and climate) –The number and types of feedstock –The incremental growth plan –The cost of labour in the construction location –The type and cost of construction materials –The industry standard is US $ /gallon
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL26 Biodiesel Plant Program Summary The most cost effective scenario would be to start the development of a Biodiesel program with local and internationally available Feed Stock. As revenues are generated, demand increases and Large plantations of Jatropha crop become available, Cleancities Biodiesel will begin adding new facilities in India and in other new geographical locations. Define in-country and export market to drive the biodiesel program growth. India and Asia currently has almost all of the tools to quickly and cost effectively move into one of the most rapidly growing new Agricultural Markets in the world today ….. “GROWING FUEL”.
CLEANCITIES BIODIESEL29 Jatropha Elite Seedlings