Risk Assessment and Mapping Experiences through DIPECHO in Central Asia Regional Consultative Meeting November 2009 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Comparative Risk Assessment Tool (CRAT) Developed jointly by Mission East, Caritas, Oxfam (MECO) Comparative Risk Assessment Tool (CRAT) used in 290 communities in Zerafshan and Khatlon, based on R = H*V 7 steps in the assessment: 1.Community meeting to explain purpose of the assessment, 2.Community mapping of hazards and impact areas, 3.Field data collection from hazard zone (s), 4.Entry of data into an Excel spreadsheet, 5.Analysis, 6.Reporting, and, 7.Feedback to the Community.
Results and Uses of CRAT CRAT uses simple technologies: Hand-drawn risk and hazard maps Data input and analysis in Excel Only hazard-threatened zones (house- holds and infrastructure) within a community is assessed, making it a relatively fast and cheap procedure; Mission East, Oxfam, Caritas, GTZ, GAA, RCST have selected their areas of interventions based on the results of the CRAT, which is also used by CoES. ACTED is to use CRAT for selecting more than hundred villages for their ADB funded projects in Tajikistan.
FOCUS Risk Assessment & Mapping Approach Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) – an Affiliate of the Aga Khan Development Network Initiated the development of a natural hazard and vulnerability risk assessment methodology in 2003 through DIPECHO Risk Assessment & Mapping Approach includes: A detailed community-based hazard and vulnerability risk assessment and mapping process (including 3 to 5 days in the field per village) Approach uses specialists including geologists, engineers, GIS experts and social mobilizers Coordination with local and national governmental partners Application of GIS and remote sensing
FOCUS Risk Assessment & Mapping Approach (cont.) Key Results: FOCUS conducted risk assessments and mapping of more than 300 communities in GBAO, Tajikistan Increased the risk assessment capacity of more than 100 Tajik government staff Developed and distributed to partners a guidebook based on FOCUS approach Adapted and applied the approach for Badakhshan, Afghanistan
UNDPs Earthquake Risk Assessment in Dushanbe In the frames of DIPECHO IV, UNDP together with a local NGO PMP International, conducted seismic vulnerability assessment of residential buildings in Dushanbe city. Approach: Vulnerability data have been collected for 2290 residential buildings; Earthquake scenarios have been developed for Dushanbe covering residential buildings only; Workshops with local authorities of Dushanbe have been conducted in order to raise awareness on earthquake vulnerability;
2 nd phase and Expected Results Second phase, as part of DIPECHO V, is being implemented through Tajik Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology of the Academy of Sciences, which includes assessment of social buildings. Hospitals, kindergartens, schools, polyclinics; Collected data to be integrated into the available programme; Results to be shared through workshops with city administration, SES, Health departments, fire services, education departments etc.; Expected results: Awareness raising of authorities on earthquake vulnerability to major earthquakes in Dushanbe; Database composing earthquake scenarios for Dushanbe, including residential and social buildings; Specific recommendations on reducing earthquake vulnerability in the city of Dushanbe.
WHO Risk Assessment & Mapping Approach World Health Organization implemented through UNDP Risk Assessment & Mapping Activities Provision of GIS software and a computer to MoH. MoH is also supported to regularly update their maps and use the information for their reports and decision making. Training of MoH staff member in use of GIS Training of 50 staff of selected hospitals in Risk assessment as part of the Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM). Support to 15 selected hospitals to prepare 5 years Risk reduction plans for their hospitals. This planning includes comprehensive assessment of all hazards and associated risks. Training to the hospital staff in preparing and implementing of Hospital Crisis Command system as part of PHEM course and with on- going advise during implementation. Maps/ Pictures/ Photos/ Charts/ Graphs (Optional)
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