Knowledge Technologies S&T Content Scope & focus in 2003 Franco Mastroddi DG Information Society S&T Content Scope & focus in 2003 Franco Mastroddi DG Information Society
Technology & usage shifts Ambient Intelligence tomorrow Devices, sensors, actuators Broadband, wireless multimedia Visual, intuitive, immersive content >70% ? Billions of tagged, networked objects Context-based knowledge handling The executable, extended X-Internet IST today PC based Low bandwidth Content is linear <10% world population on-line Objects are just objects Search engines are word-based Web dumb, boring and isolated* Sources: Forrester Ceo*, BTExact, NUAInternet, Gartner
ISTIST Communication Computing Software Components Microsystems Technologies for major economic and societal challenges Future and Emerging Technologies Knowledge and Interface Technologies Budget eur 3,625 m
Challenges information overload information overload massive, heterogeneous data sets unstructured documents (eg s) new forms of content new forms of content software programs, sensors, ambient devices … complex work processes complex work processes collaborative work flows monitoring guidelines corporate knowledge practices corporate knowledge practices the zero-latency organisation, shared KM blur between content & services blur between content & services Napster: music or P2P?
Socio-economic objectives improve impact of KT on business & organisations improve impact of KT on business & organisations innovation, productivity & creativity better exploitation of resources, tacit vs. explicit knowledge improved methods & skills improved methods & skills automating knowledge flows more collaborative processes, networked organisations & virtual knowledge communities á intelligent services & applications
Key contributing developments Semantic Web - plus multimedia Semantic Web - plus multimedia GRID / X-Internet GRID / X-Internet AI & knowledge representation AI & knowledge representation information / database methods information / database methods agents, multi-agent frameworks agents, multi-agent frameworks real-life reasoning systems real-life reasoning systems machine learning machine learning modelling & optimisation modelling & optimisation natural language processing … natural language processing …
(Draft) Work-programme Objective: To develop semantic-based and context-aware systems to acquire, organise, process, share and use the knowledge embedded in multimedia content. Research will aim to maximise automation of the complete knowledge lifecycle and achieve semantic interoperability between Web resources and services.
Research theme #1 Semantic-enabled systems & services Semantic-enabled systems & services for the next-generation Web(s) semantic Webs within and across organisations, communities of interest … smart Web services automated, self-organising, robust & scaleable offering – networked knowledge discovery – multimedia content mining – content-based retrieval across heterogeneous databases, platforms & networks – information visualisation – …
Semantic-enabled systems and services DocumentsDatabases WebPeopleOther Resources Knowledge discovery Knowledge sharing Virtual Information and Knowledge Environments and the Semantic Layer / Middleware Human Machine-Machine
Research theme #2 Knowledge-based adaptive systems Knowledge-based adaptive systems reasoning over / acting on large volumes of dynamic data and information under uncertain or fuzzy boundary conditions, guidelines etc for decision support highly dynamic & time-critical applications modelling & optimisation anytime-anywhere inferencing
Knowledge-based adaptive systems Send the snow-cats or not? Urban planning Clinical guidelines support Smart product development DecisionCraft Analytics Ltd. Modelling finance markets for industry, science, education … applications for industry, science, education … applications Accurately predicting arrival times for aircraft. - NASA - CTAS.
KT - Basic research Foundational research Foundational research formal k- models, methods & languages ontology lifecycle (ecology) methods & tools for creating and maintaining extensible & interoperable ontologies – building domain/task specific ontologies – bootstrapping broader, upper-level ontologies – catering for multimedia & multilingual aspects standards for semantic interoperability between Web data, services & process descriptions between SemWeb, metadata & multimedia coding Ontologies can vary enormously in size. Class, Property or Instance can range from s...
KT – Component level research Component-level research Component-level research into baseline functions & toolsets across media / content types within common reference architectures automated knowledge acquisition semantic annotators intelligent Web scrapers or harvesters semantic search engines multimedia summarizers user-friendly editors visual assistants natural language tools (eg filtering & routing) …
KT – System level research System integration & validation System integration & validation tying together components into innovative end-to-end systems or services with enhanced reasoning capability over large-scale & multi-dimensional data sets more collaborative/community knowledge sharing addressing performance & effectiveness, user acceptance, ease of integration/customisation, impact on processes & legacy systems … additionality of applicative showcases multi-sectoral (reusability & replicability) multi-lingual & multi-cultural
KT – System level research Candidate areas - purely indicative! Candidate areas - purely indicative! scientific & technical resource discovery personal & collective memory systems multimedia content mining across the Web business intelligence technology watch corporate portals & intranets … Should have multi-sector potential, in progressive areas - beyond state-of-the-art
Supporting issues Research infrastructure metrics & benchmarking, test-bed data sets public domain ontologies & open source toolsets registries & locator services training (researchers, integrators, leading users) … Socio-economic issues usability, guides & best practice new business & revenue models awareness & user/supplier dialogue … Global reach international co-operation …
Who has expressed interest? 120+ EoIs received for KT 120+ EoIs received for KT 64% IPs, 36% NoEs (IST average) focussing mostly on Semantic Web technologies & intelligent Web services knowledge modelling & reasoning in industry / science average size consortium: (IPs), (NoEs) 70% research organisations users from media & industry (eg product design, decision support) information/content rich sectors (eg health, environment, transport) Somewhat narrow NoEs Relatively few genuine IPs …
Conclusion The vision: the Web as a semantically-annotated resource shared by humans, software agents & networked devices Two intertwined goals: basic research: understand content, master knowledge embedded in multimedia objects applied research: enable smarter, next- generation Internet applications From long-term research through to exemplary applicative showcases Strong multidisciplinarity with many constituent disciplines & technologies; significant integration issues
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