Contextualising experiences and linking learning with the home Building on learners existing knowledge understanding and skills and engaging learners in assessment Group work Promoting conceptual development through cross curricular learning Planning appropriate tasks Planning for challenge Professional development and the management of curriculum change For further school friendly resources visit Effective Curriculum Design and Development Links to further resources
Promoting conceptual development through cross curricular learning Research summary – Curriculum: Research summary – Creating a curriculum for learning: Teacher case study – Flexible learning across subjects (art and ICT): asestudy5/ asestudy5/ Research taster – How can students use ICT to develop skills for enquiry and critical thinking in history? _pdf=1&id=182 _pdf=1&id=182 Home
Group work Research summary – Raising achievement through group work: Research summary – Collaborative mathematics: Teacher case study – enhancing pupil dialogue in group work: tudy3/ tudy3/ Research taster – How can teachers and pupils create rules for group work? Research tasters about group work: Home
Building on learners existing knowledge understanding and skills and Engaging learners in assessment Research summary – Learning how to learn through assessment for learning: Research summary – Assessment for learning; putting it into practice: Research taster – How can we encourage pupils to evaluate their own work? Research taster – How can pupils’ talk help you to uncover their misconceptions? Research taster: What’s in their heads – how can we find out students’ conceptions in science? 11&Itemid= &Itemid=49 Research taster – Getting students to rethink their ideas: how can we challenge and build on students’ misconceptions in science? Home
Planning appropriate tasks Planning for challenge Research summary – Promoting pupils’ persistence in meeting challenges: Research summary – Supporting gifted and talented pupils: Teacher case study – Students as researchers; enhancing classroom challenges: Teacher case study – Developing young children’s problem-solving skills: Research tasters about accelerating pupils’ learning through thinking skills: Home
Contextualising experiences and linking learning with the home Teacher case study - Context-based learning in literacy: Teacher case study – Teaching mathematics in a historical context: Teacher case study – Learning physics from computer simulations: Research taster – How can we turn students’ everyday observations into science investigations? nt&task=view nt&task=view Research summary – Home-school knowledge exchange: Research tasters about parent-school partnerships: Home
Professional development and the management of curriculum change Research summary – Teachers’ professional learning: Research summary – The role of the specialist in teachers’ CPD: Teacher case study – Effective CPD in mathematics: asestudy7/ asestudy7/ Research taster – How might we engender a culture of change amongst our colleagues? Home