Describe what your team accomplished. Rock Creek campus instituted a monthly “V&C Teaching Chat” Across college sharing of ideas including: readings & critical thinking, case studies, a video promoting team-thinking in A&P More part time faculty included in discussions about teaching. Inform—Awareness Activity (Our Vision & Change group has activities at each SAC meeting) Inventory Success—We had the SAC assess how well courses addressed the V&C outcomes Invest in Trust and Division of Labor—All campuses (Cascade, Rock Creek, Southeast, and Sylvania) are part of the V&C subcommittee. Implement with Assessment—Working on integrating assessment of college outcomes with V&C outcomes Iteration—V& C inspired discussions and activities at every SAC meeting with the goal of building on past successes and responding to newly identified challenges. Weave V&C into future assessments for assessing college mission outcomes and program review Creating a Google drive/Dropbox method for sharing of teaching ideas, articles, etc., for all Teaching and pedagogy experts, resource map, professional development, V&C rubrics for accreditation assessment Faculty, SAC chair, POD-Gabe, TLC & TLC Coordinators, Grants Office, Deans, Deans of Instruction/Presidents, CCURI/CUR, PULSE, NSF, PCC Foundation, MakerSpace, Stacey Kiser PRODUCTS / REFLECTIONS / … ACTIONS BARRIERS & CHALLENGES SUSTAINABILITY RESOURCES & ALLIES NW Biology instructors Conference 2015 Creation of a Google drive/Dropbox method for sharing teaching ideas, articles, etc., for our 96+ instructors. Faculty team members have experience with innovative teaching V&C document recommendations lever for engaging SAC. V&C rubrics provide tool for idea collection activity at January 2015 SAC meeting Breadth of faculty academic training and research experience contributes to a valuable diversity of ideas Enthusiasm, commitment to student success, breadth of faculty academic training VISION – Planning for change. Dieterich Steinmetz, Nora Stevens, Josephine Pino, Alexie McNerthney, April Ann Fong, and Linda Fergusson-Kolmes Creating a Shared Vision Portland Community College, Sylvania, Rock Creek, Cascade, and Southeast Campuses MAIN GOAL – Transforming our Subject Area Committee (SAC), a multi-campus committee. Note: A Subject Area Committee (SAC) is composed of all faculty throughout the PCC district who teach in a subject area or program. SACs address the instructional and curriculum concerns of its program(s) or discipline(s). SACs represent and articulate subject area and program issues which are defined by the PCC Mission Statement, the Core Outcomes, and the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. As the curricular and content experts for their subject area, SACs will make recommendations and must be consulted regarding all relevant academic and curricular issues. Products: ongoing monthly informal chat. New laboratory modules in 211 and 212 RC t& SY that require open- ended inquiry and student engagement, faculty working together toward improvements Assessments include surveys, reflections, feedback forms, interviews, pre and post tests This work was supported in part by an NSF RCN UBE award # FUTURE GOALS Challenge: Very little PCC awareness of V&C, although we are remedying this unawareness by presentation and engagement in activities at SAC meetings Barriers: Distances between campus, heavy workloads present communication challenges, changing enrollment patterns, are resulting in fewer sections and changing staff, i.e., lost PT faculty who would otherwise be involved, laboratory rooms are not stocked with a wide breadth of supplies making open ended inquiry difficult, high percentage of course sections taught by faculty with part-time status and thus reduced time availability STRENGTHS & LEVERAGE