What is the IBEST Dev Ed Project? THE STUDENT COMPLETION INITIATIVE The Student Completion Initiative will improve access and completions for low-income young adults in pre-college and college courses in Washington state community and technical colleges over the next three years. (SBCTC, )
SUMMER 2010: FACULTY INQUIRY GROUPS Reading 50./Eng 50 Ruby B Rdg 85 Caren K Eng 92 Andrea C Eng 101 Andrea C. Psych Carl O Nursing Roxanne T BAS Judi W Biology Andrea O A & P Carol G Nursing Cindy H Math 50 Paula G Math 90 Liz C Math 98 Liz C Nursing Joan H MATH FIG SCIENCE FIG ENGLISH/PSYCHOLOGY FIG
Students need to be better prepared in the use of integrative thinking skills and interpersonal skills. Integrative Thinking: “Integrative thinking including habits of mind and cognitive skills can be directed and enhance.” (Dickieson, P., Carter, L., & Walsh, M., (2008). Integrative thinking and learning in undergraduate nursing education: Three strategies. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 5:1, 1-13) RESULTS OF SUMMER 2010 FIGS
STUDENTS: 22 total 9 with GED 13 Former IBEST Health (BTC & GED) 4 ESL (China, Thailand, Russia, Cuba) 3 LD TUTORING 3 tutors/ Students attended 4-6 minimum hours per week FALL 2010
COURSES College Success (1 st half as pre-fall intensive) BIO&160 Math98/99 Basic Academic Skills (with Reverse Integration) – Extended lesson on APA citation (J. Blume) – Reinforced study strategies learned in College Success – Multi-modal activities to reinforce biology concepts – Review of concepts in Math 98 FALL 2010
STUDENTS: 17 total ( new student) – 2 withdrew in Fall – 3 re-evaluated commitment to school in Fall – 1 withdraw mid-winter quarter to go to Medical Office program TUTORING: 2 Tutors WINTER 2011
COURSES A & P 1 / IBEST English 101 Basic Academic Skills (with reverse integration) – Concept mapping – Multi-modal extension activities – Critical Thinking/application problems – Interview with 3 rd Quarter Nursing Student (M. Curran) – English Writing Lab – Extended Practice for Eng 101 – “Just in Time” lesson for Interpersonal Skill Intervention dealing with “Emotional Intelligence” WINTER 2011
STUDENTS 15 (1 to repeat A&P 1, 13 A&P 2) 1 withdraw (end of Spring)to go to WCC Medical Assisting Program 1 time off (end of Spring or Summer) for baby 1 withdraw from IBEST program (end of Winter) TUTORS 1 Students encouraged to use regular college tutoring, H Bldg tutors Added 6 hours supplemental for Pharmacology Instructor SPRING 2011
COURSES: A&P 2 PSYCHOLOGY BASIC ACADEMIC SKILLS (with reverse integration) – Critical Thinking assignment on atrial fibrillation – Review major concepts with “You be the Experts” – Concept Mapping – Psychology Discussion Groups – Scaffolded Research Assignment for Psychology/Peer evaluation – Case Study of relationship involving a transgendered individual (Case Studies in Sciences, SPRING 2011
WHAT WORKED WELL? Strategic interventions for student success Extra time with students Other? CHALLENGES? Lost tutors Basic Concepts took over case studies/critical thinking Other? FACULTY COMMENTS
Dedicated tutoring (required minimum 4 hours per week) Dedicated advisor Structured schedule Contextualized study strategies—study groups, concept mapping, “You be the Expert” summary presentations Collaboration between content faculty and Basic Skills faculty Integrated assignments in BAS, including case studies and critical thinking assignments Reinforcement of interpersonal skills PROJECT BEST STRATEGIES
ESL students, who had come through IBEST programs, showed significant struggle with college courses. We continued reading profile research began by N. Mantas with her students in Winter. Findings show a significant drop in Word Meaning (Vocabulary knowledge). Conclusion: Students need a strong vocabulary base to perform at college level, less reliance on translation. All faculty along pathway need to teach integrative thinking skills, metacognition, college & interpersonal success skills. ESL students need better oral communication skills. They tended to rely on reading skills in class. PROJECT FINDINGS
13 students – 7 day, 6 evening – Summer: 7 NA, 2 A&P 2, 1 Eng ESL 5 former IBEST students
Final 13 Average CASAS Reading Upon Entry Upon Exit IBEST Year 249 Final 13 Average CASAS Math Upon Entry Upon Exit IBEST Year Students “Exit” Basic Skill Reading, 1 “Exit” Math Total Momentum Points for Year—45 (13 final); 51 (total) NUMBERS
ESL Transitional Curriculum Development FIG Teaching Diverse Learners FIG Language Partners for Pronunciation Development of Academic Preparation Hybrid Mini Courses – Academic Reading Success: Vocabulary 1 (2cr) – Academic Reading Success: Morphology (2cr) – Academic Communication Success: Speaking & Pronunciation (2cr) – Academic Communication Success: Listening (2cr) Projects