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Superheroes 2.0: The Game a 90-minute adventure in massively multi-citizen culture!
What Are Your Powers? We need to differentiate your superhero network. MobabilityOpen Authorship InfluencyEmergensight Ping Quotient Longbroading Multi-capitalism Signal/Noise Management Protovation Cooperation Radar
Mobability the ability to work in large groups a talent for organizing and collaborating with many people simultaneously
Influency the ability to be persuasive in multiple social contexts and media spaces an understanding that each context and space requires a different persuasive strategy and technique
Ping Quotient measures your responsiveness to other people’s requests for engagement your propensity and ability to reach out to others in a network
Multi-Capitalism fluency in working with different capitals natural, intellectual, social, financial, e.g.
Protovation fearless innovation in rapid, iterative cycles
Open Authorship creating content for public consumption and modification
Emergensight ability to prepare for and handle surprising results and complexity
Longbroading thinking in terms of higher level systems, cycles, big picture
Signal/Noise Management filtering meaningful info, patterns, and commonalities from the massively-multiple streams of data
Cooperation Radar the ability to sense, almost intuitively, who would make the best collaborators on a particular task