Element Name Name Date. History of Atom Who discovered? How it got its name? How is was discovered? Early uses?


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Presentation transcript:

Element Name Name Date

History of Atom Who discovered? How it got its name? How is was discovered? Early uses?

Scientist Give a brief history of the scientist who discovered your atom.

Bohr Model of Atom Draw a Bohr Model or find a picture Electron configuration of atom

Periodic Table of Atom Where is it located on the periodic table? What information is given? Picture

Classification of Atom What type of element i.e., alkali metal? What are its trends i.e., atomic size, ionization energy, ionic size, electronegativity

Compound Formation What type of bonds does it generally make? How many valence electrons? Describe bond formation. Give examples of compounds.

Properties of Atom What is its state of matter? Boiling Point Freezing Point

Measurement How many grams make up one mole? How many representative particles are in one mole of your atom?

Chemical Reactions Name and describe chemical reactions of your atom or compounds with your atom. Write out a chemical reaction.

Uses What is it used for today? What is its importance? Is it important for living things? Is it harmful to living things?

Resources List all resources: web, books, magazines, journals, etc.