Project Purpose Introduce people to Jesus Christ Teach/train church people to invite Teach/train church people hospitality
GOAL Every member invite someone to worship, Sunday August 19, 2012 or the Sunday closest to the first day of school
The Plan July 8 – Create planning team Recruit key leaders – Worship coordinator – Luncheon coordinator – Calling coordinator
The Plan July 15 – Announce in worship – Mail letter #1
The Plan July 22 – Session and key leaders plan for personal contacts with members
The Plan July 29 – Session and key leaders make visits to members
The Plan August 5 – Callers get guest names – Mail letter #2
The Plan August 12 – Make luncheon reservations
THE PLAN August 19 – The big day
The Planning Team Develop resources for members Offer a bible study on John 1:35-51 Communicate, communicate, communicate
The Planning Team Follow the plan Consider developing a brochure Consider developing business cards Make sure everyone is on the same page
The Pastor Preach on Invitation or Hospitality Three of the Sundays prior to the campaign John 1:35-51, Genesis 18:1-8, or Acts 15:12-21 are options Encourage the session to meet with members Support the planning team Lead the bible study if offered
The Session Approve participation Recruit and commission planning team – By July 8, 2012 Recruit members to invite friends – Use personal visits
Church Members Invite a friend – What keeps us from inviting people – What might make it easier for us to begin inviting Send invitation cards Pray for the project – Pray for the guests that might come – Pray for the inviters Be hospitable
Keys to Success Follow the plan Inform, inspire, and commit member participation Follow up with volunteers Follow up with guests Integrate/assimilate new people
The Quad Presbytery Consortium Develops the overall strategy Produces the TV and radio spots Plans for future joint endeavors
The Presbyteries Provide funding for ad development Schedule training events Provide assistance for local churches Provide a notebook of resources
The Churches Schedule a fellowship event August 19, 2012 – Or the day of the invitation Place radio spots locally Place newspaper ads locally Train members to invite and welcome Develop a plan to re-invite
ASSIMILATION OF GUESTS Re-Invite – Pie & Bread Ministries – Should be in the first week after their visit
ASSIMILATION OF GUESTS Offer them places to connect – Church Programming – Teach your organizations to invite
ASSIMILATION OF GUESTS Create new programs for new people – Existing programs are often closed (unintentionally)
CONCLUSION Statistics have shown that if people come to the special Sunday and once more before Christmas 50% of those people will become members of your church