Slide 1 07 November 2006Future of DOA DOA concept Roger Simon Design Organisation Manager
European Aviation Safety Agency 07 November 2006 Future of DOA Slide 2 DOA Concept History Part 21 Subpart J DOA
European Aviation Safety Agency 07 November 2006 Future of DOA Slide 3 History Pre-JAR-21 DOA in UK in 1938 DOA in Germany in 1968 JAR-21 JAA DOA WG started in 1990, to develop new rules for DOA, in context of JAR-21 drafting – Concept of approved organisation to support acceptance of reports JAR-21 published in 1993 Implementation started in 1994
European Aviation Safety Agency 07 November 2006 Future of DOA Slide 4 Part 21 Like JAR-21 Subpart JA (JB not retained) New NPAs Extension of privilege for permit to fly (NPA ) Improvement of Part 21 to improve the privilege related to acceptance of compliance documents (NPA ) History
European Aviation Safety Agency 07 November 2006 Future of DOA Slide 5 History Situation before EASA starts (1)
European Aviation Safety Agency 07 November 2006 Future of DOA Slide 6 Situation before EASA starts (2) History
European Aviation Safety Agency 07 November 2006 Future of DOA Slide 7 Overview EASA AP and DOA History
European Aviation Safety Agency 07 November 2006 Future of DOA Slide 8 Part 21 Subpart J DOA Main principles To establish a qualified framework for the various activities related to the compliance demonstration with applicable requirements To set the basis to enable the Authorities to accept statements, from DOA organisations, that the regulations have been complied with Only for applicant or holder of a design approval (TC, STC, changes, repairs…)
European Aviation Safety Agency 07 November 2006 Future of DOA Slide 9 Part 21 Subpart J DOA Rationales for JAR 21 Subpart JB deletion (1) not immediately related to design approval certificates considered outside of the scope of the Basic Regulation, Article 5(2)(d) absence of privileges more a kind of label, facilitating relationship between subcontractors and main design organisations in charge of the certification of complete products.
European Aviation Safety Agency 07 November 2006 Future of DOA Slide 10 Part 21 Subpart J DOA Rationales for JAR 21 Subpart JB deletion (2) not considered as a prime responsibility of an Aviation Authority. same objective can be achieved by Industry supplier/subcontractor qualification and overview systems, under Industry direct control. [Ref. CRD Part 21, 33 to 36]
European Aviation Safety Agency 07 November 2006 Future of DOA Slide 11 Part 21 Subpart J DOA Agreement to re-discuss the concept to keep for the first issue of Part 21 only design organisation approvals directly related to certificates to recommend for further Agency activity the evaluation of possible new privileges taking into account the actual Industry environment This will allow a complete assessment of the situation and the development of appropriate solutions, fully in line with the functions to be exercised by an Aviation Safety Agency.
European Aviation Safety Agency 07 November 2006 Future of DOA Slide 12 Thats why we are here today Thank you for your participation!