EInclusion EU Policy and Action 5/6 April 2006 IT&T Baltic Forum 2006, Riga Paul Timmers European Commission DG-Information Society & Media eInclusion.


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Presentation transcript:

eInclusion EU Policy and Action 5/6 April 2006 IT&T Baltic Forum 2006, Riga Paul Timmers European Commission DG-Information Society & Media eInclusion Unit

2 2 Definitions (eEurope Expert Group) e-Inclusion refers to the effective participation of individuals and communities in all dimensions of the knowledge-based society and economy through their access to ICT.  Further, e-Inclusion refers to the degree to which ICTs contribute to equalising and promoting participation in society at all levels. The digital divide measures the gap between those who are empowered to substantially participate in an information and knowledge-based society, and those who are not.

3 3 eInclusion - scope Exclusion from Information Society Exclusion due to “unequal” opportunities Several EXCLUSION FACTORS  Accessibility of ICT  Ageing  Competences - skills, knowledge, attitude  Geographic digital divide: eAccess  Culture and other social factors  Public services  Gender  … eInclusion: an ethical, social and economic imperative

4 4 Examples of groups at risk: disabled persons and elderly Nearly 20% of the EU population Demographic Shift  1990: 18% of population was over 60 (3% over 80)  2030: 30% are expected to be over 60 (6% over 80) Disability is strongly related to age  45% over persons over 75 are impaired in some way  Change in Germany's population over the age of 75 from 2005 to 2015: 33%  Nearly 7 million require 24/24 personal assistance

5 5 Inclusion, disabilities and demographics

6 6 Geographic digital divide Digital Divide Report, CEC, 2005

7 7 Accessibility of online public services Conformance with level A of W3C Web Accessibility guidelines From: eAccessibility of public sector websites, Nov 2005, Cabinet Office, UK

8 8 Culture, income, socio-economics Finding from US survey: High income, educated people are more likely to have adopted the Internet But once low income, less educated people have adopted the Internet they spend more time on it And they use the Internet more often for eHealth, eGovernment, and online communications Avi Goldfarb and Jeffrey T. Prince, Jan 2006

9 9 Design-for-All Intelligent systems for social inclusion Intelligent systems for Independent living Assistive Technology - intelligent interfaces Person... Home/Work... Community... Society The ICT opportunity

10 i2010: Three priorities A single European Information Space  Promoting an open and competitive internal market for information society and media Innovation and investment in research  Strengthening ICT research to promote growth as well as more and better jobs Inclusion, better public services and quality of life  Achieve an Inclusive European Information Society that promotes growth and jobs in a manner that is consistent with sustainable development and that prioritises better public services and quality of life

11 This is to be achieved by :   Promoting eInclusion as a core horizontal building block in the establishment of the Information Society   Supportive complementary measures and activities: socio- economic, regulatory, educational, ethical, policy making and standardisation   co-operation with external partners and other Commission services To contribute to the inclusion in the information society of all Europeans, by policy, R&D, deployment, and implementation in the area of eInclusion All Europeans have the right to participate fully and without discrimination in the information and knowledge society eInclusion mission

12 stakeholder dialogue EU eInclusion policy analysis, measurement, monitoring actions / interventions (soft) law, R&D, deployment, implementation, good practice, promotion eAccess- ibility ICT and Ageing Cultural digital divide Geo- graphic digital divide Digital literacy & compe- tences promotion Inclusive public services eInclusion policy development promotion

stakeholder dialogue ICT & Ageing Policy ICT and Independent Living COM(2006) analysis, measurement, monitoring Seniorwatch 2002/2006, Eurobarometer, i2010 Eurostat actions / interventions (soft) law: standardization, link to Directives, spectrum, … R&D: pre-FP6 results, Call 5 + Call 6 + AAL FP7 Deployment: eTEN, CIP, AAL 169 Good practice: eTEN Good Practice Framework 2006 Implementation: working with financing organisations Objectives Commitment to AAL 169 / Independent Living Evidence & understanding Political/industry awareness & commitment promotion Regular meetings with AGE, FERPA, … Other DGs (esp. EMPL/Walter report) Stakeholders meeting 25 April FP7 specific consultation Riga Policy Link brochures Projects overview presentation + eAgeing projects brochure promotion Example: ICT & Ageing

14 eInclusion development 2006/ Mobilising stakeholders:  Open eInclusion policy meeting 25 April  ICT and ageing meeting 26 April eInclusion Conference (Riga, 11-13/June) Communication on ICT and Ageing/Independent Living Follow-up eAccessibility Communication – Standardization 13 new projects Call 5, proposals/evaluation Call Commission Communication on “eInclusion 2008” 2008 “eInclusion 2008”

15 TIDE >TAP >IST > FP6 > FP RehabilitationMultimedia telematics Ambient Intelligence eInclusion Paradigm Priorities Technological emphasis Target groups Results Innovation and Demonstration New applications System integration Barrier-free design Empowering technologies ExploratoryTechnology Transfer Ubiquitous computing Mainstream technologies D & E careers D & E professionals Groups at risk of exclusion Tech innovationTelematics Demonstrations Socio-economic benefit Policy impact Evolution of EU R&D

16 Examples of eInclusion R&D IST Call 5 Projects Experience and Application Research leading to large scale demonstrators to mainstream accessibility, particularly in the areas of smart environment, next generation mobiles, DTV and future related services – IP: MonAMI, EU4ALL Development of innovative solutions for persons with cognitive disabilities (e.g. support the ageing population, or children in developing their potential and learning new skills) – STREP: CogKnow, DIADEM, AGENT- Dysl, I2HOME, VITAL, ELDERGAMES, MPOWER Federating the fragmented assistive technology industry (mainly SMEs); cooperation among DfA and AT resource support centres -- CA : eABILITIES, Development and constitution of adequate technology platforms to meet the challenges posed by the ageing population -- SSA : WAI-AGE, eSANGATHAN

17 IST R&D Call 6 Ambient Assisted Living in an ageing society Support to Daily activities  Increase independence and autonomy “at home” (Assistive technology, smart homes, warning systems,…) Participation in society and mobility  Communication, access to education, leisure,… Healthcare Social care Informal care ActiveAssistedIndependent Integrated care Interoperability

18 Riga Ministerial Conference Rationale Increasing importance of inclusion in information society Towards widespread adoption and impact of ICT Europe cannot afford to leave 30-50% behind Social and economic interest Set directions, bring stakeholders together towards 2008 European Initiative on eInclusion European leadership in eInclusion

20 Riga Ministerial Conference June 2006, Riga Joint Presidency, Commission, Latvia (hosting) Ministers + delegations, leaders from user organisations, NGOs, industry, academics, Commission By invitation, 500 delegates Ministerial Declaration, conference program, exhibition Starting point of process towards 2008 initiative

21 Riga Ministerial Conference launch pad for 2008 eInclusion Initiative International Cooperation Contribution of the stakeholders towards 2008 eAccessibilityICT & Ageing ICT, inclusion & competences ICT & Cultural Diversity ICT & geographic inclusion Inclusive eGovernment core areas Technology, Research Deployment, Good Practice, Financing Analysis, Bench- marking instruments

22 Conference Outline 11 June: Ministerial meeting, opening exhibition June: exhibition 12 June:  Welcome (Latvian President Vike-Freiberga, Minister Reirs, Commissioner Reding)  Plenaries addressing key areas  Ministerial Declaration (Minister Haubner)  Parallel sessions on key areas 13 June:  Parallel sessions, plenary on global issues  Plenary: towards the 2008 eInclusion Initiative

23 Past and future milestones  i2010 communication (June 2005)  eAccessibility communication (September 2005)  eGovernment Action plan (April 2006)  Riga ministerial conference and declaration (June 2006)  ICT & Ageing communication (July 2006)  eInclusion communication (2007)  European eInclusion initiative (2008)

24 Contact us eInclusion: europa.eu.int/information_society/policy/accessibility/ Riga Ministerial Conference: europa.eu.int/information_society/events/ict_riga_2006 R&D: eInclusion: an ethical, social and economic imperative