Rick Snodgrass
1) There are millions of needy people in the world. In Christ’s name, make a difference in the life of at least ______________.
2) It takes faith to be generous when you’re in the midst of being broken and destitute.
3) When it doesn’t make sense, sometimes that’s the time to go “ALL IN“ with your faith.
Any time God leads you to do something that has God-sized dimensions, you will face a crisis of belief. When you face a crisis of belief, what you do next reveals what you really believe about God. Experiencing God, Blackaby
So what is a CRISIS OF BELIEF? An encounter with God requires faith. Encounters with God are God-sized. What you do in response to God’s invitation reveals what you believe about God. True Faith requires action.
3) When it doesn’t make sense, sometimes that’s the time to go “ALL IN“ with your faith. 4) The widow overcomes her fear and launches ALL OF IT toward the promise of God.
5) Sometimes, “following God” and “seeing my faith bust-open the heavens” simply boils down to priorities. Sometimes, we need to “go BIG” instead of “go average.”
6) God’s provision and miracles are often shrouded in mystery.
7) We never graduate from our faith- until heaven of course. After we see the faithfulness of God in one area of our lives, we can soon anticipate the next opportunity or crisis to invite us to trust Him further.
8) The secret of the Christian life is crying out.
9) The fruit of our faith and obedience to God cannot possibly be counted from this side of heaven.