The overall classification of this briefing is: CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED
National Intelligence Community Central Intelligence Agency Department of State Department of Energy Department of Treasury Department of Justice Department of Homeland Security Department of Defense Ambassador John D. Negroponte Director of National Intelligence Defense Intelligence Agency National Security Agency National Geospatial- Intelligence Agency National Reconnaissance Office Service Intelligence Centers Drug Enforcement Agency UNCLASSIFIED
Defense Intelligence National Reconnaissance Office National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency National Security Agency Defense Intelligence Agency National Ground Intelligence Center National Air & Space Intelligence Center Marine Corps Intelligence Activity National Maritime Intelligence Center The Agencies The Combatant Commands The Military Services Hon. Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense Gen Peter Pace Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Hon. Dr. Stephen Cambone Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence UNCLASSIFIED
Director Defense Intelligence Agency LTG Michael D. Maples Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Advisory Responsibilities Advisor to Secretary of Defense, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence National Intelligence Responsibilities Member, National Intelligence Board Program Manager, General Defense Intelligence Program Military Intelligence Responsibilities Chairman, Military Intelligence Board Director, Defense Joint Intelligence Operations Center Defense Human Intelligence Manager U.S. Strategic Command Responsibilities Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance UNCLASSIFIED
Defense Intelligence Agency UNCLASSIFIED Combat Support Agency Provide Timely Military Intelligence to Military and National Consumers Defense Intelligence Agency Supports National Intelligence Requirements Military Operations Defense Policy Making Weapons Acquisition Core Mission Areas Defense Intelligence Operations All-Source Analysis Human Intelligence Collection Technical Intelligence Collection Collection Management Global Secure Information Networks Intelligence Training and Education International Engagement
Defense Joint Intelligence Operations Center (DJIOC) UNCLASSIFIED Warfighters A major transformational initiative to enable Defense Intelligence Operations Links the full spectrum of National and Defense Capabilities Facilitates intelligence planning, prioritization, analysis and collection Global awareness of Intelligence Operations A major transformational initiative to enable Defense Intelligence Operations Links the full spectrum of National and Defense Capabilities Facilitates intelligence planning, prioritization, analysis and collection Global awareness of Intelligence Operations Directly interfaces with the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Creates an Enterprise approach to Defense Intelligence Permits Global Force Management of Intelligence Resources Directly interfaces with the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Creates an Enterprise approach to Defense Intelligence Permits Global Force Management of Intelligence Resources
Joint Functional Component Command – Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Warfighting Headquarters for United States Strategic Command Focal point for ISR plans and operations Global, long-term perspective on asset allocation to support Combatant Commands Maintains global situational awareness Enables Defense Intelligence advocacy for future capabilities Warfighting Headquarters for United States Strategic Command Focal point for ISR plans and operations Global, long-term perspective on asset allocation to support Combatant Commands Maintains global situational awareness Enables Defense Intelligence advocacy for future capabilities UNCLASSIFIED
Defense Human Intelligence Management Office Manages Human Intelligence Functions Training and Standards Allocation of Resources Defense Human Intelligence UNCLASSIFIED Defense Human Intelligence Service Approximately 200 locations Primary Missions Conducts Department of Defense Human Intelligence operations worldwide Document Exploitation Manages Attaché Activities
Measurement & Signature Intelligence UNCLASSIFIED Size Heat Chemical Composition Shape Vibration
Presence in over 180 countries Defense Attachés Defense Human Intelligence Combatant Command Representatives Defense Intelligence Agency Liaison Staffs Global War on Terrorism Deployments Presence in over 180 countries Defense Attachés Defense Human Intelligence Combatant Command Representatives Defense Intelligence Agency Liaison Staffs Global War on Terrorism Deployments ARMED FORCES MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE CENTER FORT DETRICK, MARYLAND MISSILE & SPACE INTELLIGENCE CENTER HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA A Global Mission UNCLASSIFIED WORLDWIDE ASSIGNMENTS UNITED STATES LOCATIONS PENTAGON BOLLING AFB ARLINGTON, VA CRYSTAL CITY, VA HERNDON, VA WASHINGTON, DC AREA
1 Agency + 2 Agency Centers 4 Service Centers 9 Combatant Commands 1 Overseas Command (USFK) 27 US based Reserve Centers Pacific Command, Hawaii Strategic Command, Nebraska Northern Command, Colorado Northern Command, Colorado Special Operations Command, Florida Special Operations Command, Florida Central Command, Florida Central Command, Florida Southern Command, Florida Southern Command, Florida Transportation Command, Illinois National Ground Intelligence Center, Virginia Joint Forces Command, Virginia Joint Forces Command, Virginia National Maritime Intelligence Center, Maryland National Air and Space Intelligence Center, Ohio Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, Virginia European Command, United Kingdom European Command, United Kingdom US Forces, Korea Missile & Space Intelligence Center, Alabama Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center, Maryland Defense Intelligence Production Centers UNCLASSIFIED
Deployable Workforce UNCLASSIFIED 2005 Deployments –More than 1800 personnel –Analysts, Collection Managers, Information Technology Specialists, Collectors, Security Personnel Types of Support –Global War on Terrorism –Information Technology Infrastructure –Natural Disaster Relief –Resource Management 2005 Deployments –More than 1800 personnel –Analysts, Collection Managers, Information Technology Specialists, Collectors, Security Personnel Types of Support –Global War on Terrorism –Information Technology Infrastructure –Natural Disaster Relief –Resource Management
Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS) UNCLASSIFIED Provide information systems and intelligence to the Military Intelligence Community Support warfighters and national policy makers Data, imagery, video, and voice One common JWICS architecture around the globe Reliable primary and back-up services from 5 Regional Service Centers Global video teleconferencing and collaboration environment for executing All Source operations Provide information systems and intelligence to the Military Intelligence Community Support warfighters and national policy makers Data, imagery, video, and voice One common JWICS architecture around the globe Reliable primary and back-up services from 5 Regional Service Centers Global video teleconferencing and collaboration environment for executing All Source operations
Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center Fort Detrick, Maryland Primary Mission Provide worldwide all-source medical intelligence Infectious Diseases Risk assessments for 60+ militarily-significant diseases Medical Science and Technology Analysis of foreign biotechnology and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear medical defense capabilities Medical Capabilities Analysis of foreign medical response capabilities to naturally occurring bio-threats Environmental Health Analysis of environmental health risks including industrial chemicals Current Intelligence and Health Threat Warning Medical Intelligence for Homeland Defense & health events affecting forces worldwide Fort Detrick, Maryland Primary Mission Provide worldwide all-source medical intelligence Infectious Diseases Risk assessments for 60+ militarily-significant diseases Medical Science and Technology Analysis of foreign biotechnology and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear medical defense capabilities Medical Capabilities Analysis of foreign medical response capabilities to naturally occurring bio-threats Environmental Health Analysis of environmental health risks including industrial chemicals Current Intelligence and Health Threat Warning Medical Intelligence for Homeland Defense & health events affecting forces worldwide UNCLASSIFIED
Huntsville, Alabama Primary Missions Provides Scientific & Technical Intelligence – Surface-to-Air Defensive Systems –Surface-to-Air Missiles, Anti-Ballistic Missiles, Anti-Tank Ballistic Missiles, Directed Energy Weapons, Anti-Satellite Weapons – Short Range Ballistic Missiles – Anti-Tank Guided Missiles Facilitate Foreign Weapons & Space Multi-Intelligence Collection Support Department of Defense Modeling & Simulation Huntsville, Alabama Primary Missions Provides Scientific & Technical Intelligence – Surface-to-Air Defensive Systems –Surface-to-Air Missiles, Anti-Ballistic Missiles, Anti-Tank Ballistic Missiles, Directed Energy Weapons, Anti-Satellite Weapons – Short Range Ballistic Missiles – Anti-Tank Guided Missiles Facilitate Foreign Weapons & Space Multi-Intelligence Collection Support Department of Defense Modeling & Simulation Missile and Space Intelligence Center UNCLASSIFIED
Additional Mission Areas UNCLASSIFIED National Media Exploitation Center Intelligence Community Center established in 2003 DIA is executive agent Guided by ODNI Board of Directors Ensures the rapid exploitation and sharing of media throughout the IC Underground Facility Analysis Center Government-wide consortium established in 1997 DIA is executive agent Detects, identifies, characterizes, and assesses the best method to defeat the foreign-use of hard and deeply buried targets POW/MIA Recovery DIA initiated the STONY BEACH program in 1987 DIA is lead for Intelligence Community POW/MIA Analytic Cell National Media Exploitation Center Intelligence Community Center established in 2003 DIA is executive agent Guided by ODNI Board of Directors Ensures the rapid exploitation and sharing of media throughout the IC Underground Facility Analysis Center Government-wide consortium established in 1997 DIA is executive agent Detects, identifies, characterizes, and assesses the best method to defeat the foreign-use of hard and deeply buried targets POW/MIA Recovery DIA initiated the STONY BEACH program in 1987 DIA is lead for Intelligence Community POW/MIA Analytic Cell 16
8,000 Committed Professionals 70% Civilian 30% Military People – Our Most Important Asset UNCLASSIFIED Marines 4% Navy 18% Air Force 34% Army 44% CIVILIAN MILITARY Civilian
Educators & Trainers Joint Military Intelligence Training Center 83 Courses FY05 – 10,600 students trained (53% non-DIA) FY05 – 123 Iterations of Mobile Training Courses Joint Military Intelligence Training Center 83 Courses FY05 – 10,600 students trained (53% non-DIA) FY05 – 123 Iterations of Mobile Training Courses Joint Military Intelligence College 200 Full Time Students (90% non-DIA) 500 part time students Joint Military Intelligence College 200 Full Time Students (90% non-DIA) 500 part time students Combined Strategic Intelligence Training Program Intelligence orientation program for foreign military officers 4 times per/year 7 weeks 18 officers per course Offered to 103 countries Combined Strategic Intelligence Training Program Intelligence orientation program for foreign military officers 4 times per/year 7 weeks 18 officers per course Offered to 103 countries UNCLASSIFIED
International Engagement UNCLASSIFIED Manages all non-SIGINT/IMINT foreign military intelligence relationships DIA, COCOMs, and Services Represents DIA at the National Disclosure Policy committee Release/Disclosure of classified military intelligence DoD’s focal point for foreign defense attachés Accredits attachés at quarterly policy luncheons Operations orientation trips for attachés Manages Defense Intelligence Agency liaison offices Ottawa, London, Paris, Tel Aviv, Tokyo, and Canberra Counterpart visits for SECDEF, CJCS, and DIA DR Manages all non-SIGINT/IMINT foreign military intelligence relationships DIA, COCOMs, and Services Represents DIA at the National Disclosure Policy committee Release/Disclosure of classified military intelligence DoD’s focal point for foreign defense attachés Accredits attachés at quarterly policy luncheons Operations orientation trips for attachés Manages Defense Intelligence Agency liaison offices Ottawa, London, Paris, Tel Aviv, Tokyo, and Canberra Counterpart visits for SECDEF, CJCS, and DIA DR 19