Welcome to Foundation’s Information evening.
Who’s who? From time to time we will also have students working in Foundation.
Timetable Da y Monday Register Literacy input Learning Journeys- stick in work Phonics B Maths input Learning Journeys Big write moment L PE Spanish Music Tuesday Register Literacy input Guided reading- Phonics R Maths Input Guided reading- Big write moment U Boogie Breaks/ Technology Physical K&U creative Activities to supports skills Story Wednesday Register Maths Input Maths Phonics E Literacy input Maths- Big write moment N Boogie Breaks/ Technology Creative K&U Physical Activities to supports skills Story. Thursd ay Register Literacy input Literacy- Phonics A Maths inputLiteracy- Big write moment C Boogie Breaks/ Big write/Big talk SEAL Friday Register Golden time Phonics Break Assembly- After the first half term. Handwriting (Gross motor movements before Christmas) H circle time Outdoor time Fruit & Milk Buddy reading/story
Topics These are the Topics we will be covering this year: Autumn 1: All about me/People who help us Autumn 2: Animals/Christmas * Spring 1: Dinosaurs Spring 2: Favourite stories * Summer 1: Mini-beasts * Summer 2: Seasons/Travel At the end of each half term we will send a topic grid home. If you could talk to your child about activities they would like to do during the following half term we will then use these in our planning. * Creative homework topics.
Children need in school: Book bags Drink and snack Slippers Appropriate clothing for going outside Wellingtons P.E kits Label everything!!!
Our aim in Foundation is to make sure children are ready for the rest of school. We want them to want to come to school and want to learn. We foster independence so encourage them to have a go at things themselves. We ask you to read with your child 4 times a week and record this in your child’s reading record. This does not have to be their reading books, it could be signs on the way to school, a party invitation or a cereal box. What is coming up! Parent’s evening Christmas production Lining up outside This term is very long, by the end your child will probably be very tired! Expect your child to have a little wobble at some point during this term.