Class of 2016 Huntsville High School Welcome to Pre- Registration for 10 th Grade
26 Total Credits (called 4 X 4) 4 years of English/Math/Science/Social Studies Math: Must include one of the following: –Algebra, Geometry, Math Models, Algebra 2 –Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, 4 th year Math –If Algebra 1 is taken in junior high, then the sequence is: Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus or AP Statistics Science: Must include one of the following: –IPC, Biology, Chemistry, Physics –Biology, Chemistry, Physics, 4 th year/AP Science 1 year of Fine Arts Elective.5 Credit of Speech 2 years of the same Foreign Language 5.5 Credits Electives of your choice Recommended Plan
26 Total Credits Requirements are same as Recommended Plan except includes: –3 years same Foreign Language –4.5 Credits Electives of your choice –4 Advanced Measures: – A Combination of AP Exams (with score of 3 or higher) – College Courses (with grade of B or higher) – Commended Student or higher on the PSAT. – Advance Technical Credit with a grade of B or better. Distinguished Plan
English 2 (Level, Honors, or Pre-AP) Math –Geometry (If you took Algebra I in 9 th grade, level, Honors, or Pre-AP) –Algebra 2 (If you took Geometry in 9 th grade, level or Pre-AP) –Math Models (If you took Geometry in 9 th grade and teacher recommends this course before you take Algebra 2) Science –Biology (If you took IPC in 9 th grade, level, Honors, or Pre-AP) –Chemistry (If you took Biology in 9 th grade, Level, Honors or Pre-AP) World History (Level, Honors, or AP) Core Classes for 10 th Grade
The courses listed on your scheduling form assume that you will pass everything you are currently taking. In a full year course, both semesters are averaged together; if the second semester is passing and the average is 70 or higher, credit for the full year is awarded. If you do not pass a required class, you will have to retake it. Please see your counselor at the end of the semester if you do not pass a required course. You will have to give up an elective to repeat the course you failed. If you do not earn at least 6 credits AND one English credit and one Math credit, you will be classified as a Freshman next year…..AGAIN. Credit By Exam (CBE) for failed classes is another option that you may need to discuss with counselor. Failed Classes
Choose your courses wisely!! * Classes are offered and teachers are hired based on the courses that you select NOW.
Please choose alternate classes in case an elective you have chosen is full, not offered or conflicts with other choices. Schedule forms with alternate course lines left blank will receive last priority from counselors. If there are no alternate courses, counselors will give students any electives which are open. Students lose their choices and cannot not be changed out of these classes. Alternate Courses
June 5 th, 2013 is the last opportunity for a course request change. After school begins, schedule changes will be made only to correct scheduling errors or to equalize class enrollments. Schedule Changes
Students who request Pre-AP, Honors, or AP courses may change their schedules to a level class after the first three weeks of school or by the beginning of the second semester if a level class in the same subject area is available. Pre-AP or AP Schedule Changes
Students may sign up for classes that need teacher approval but will be changed into the alternates if approval is denied. Teacher Approvals are needed for: –Athletics –Band/Choir ( Audition means teacher approval) –Drill Team –Yearbook/Newspaper –Etc. Teacher Approvals
Please get your parent(s) to approve your schedule for next year. A parent’s signature is required on the bottom of your schedule request form. Parent Signature
Counselors will available in the Library April 15 th -19 th to answer any question about course requests. You will be allowed to come during your English class. Schedules will be able to be Entered April 18 th &19th on TxMyZone
A Parent Meeting will be held on Monday, April 8 th at 5:30 in the auditorium to discuss classes. If you or your parent have questions about next year’s schedule, contact 9 th Grade Counselor Joanie Loewe. Parent Meeting
Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success. - Henry Ford