Here’s how to do it... Hosting “A Get Together”
Introduction l A-Get-Together is an introductory experience designed to help the unchurched enter into small groups. l It is fun, low-key informal sharing. l It uses a brief video and discussion. l A time for growing relationships.
By “Introductory” we mean... l Brief l Not the Whole l Enough to help them see it’s safe. l Create the idea, “I want to do this!”
By “Experience” we mean... l Not hearing about, But DOING! l Actually experiencing a SMALL GROUP!
When we say “SAFE”... l Casual l Not Pressured l Easy Going l Non-threatening l Person participates at their own comfort level.
Focus on the “UNCHUCHED” lNlNot stealing people from other churches. lSlSharing with those who don’t know Jesus. lAlAnd those discouraged with other more “Traditional Churches.” lWlWe are seeking to move a person from withdrawn and outside the faith to their becoming fully dedicated to Christ.
FDTC l Fully - Not just part. l Dedicated - a life set aside. l to Christ, not a building, group, money or life-style. l FDTC is being committed to following the Lord now and always.
Begin with PRAYER lTlThe BIG THING to remember is PRAYER! lPlPray about every step in this process. lHlHosting, who to invite, that they will come and that God will use the evening to touch them?
Overview l Pick the Location - Generally your home. l Decide who you are going to ask. l Set a time. l Reserve Video and Network Flyers. l Determine Refreshments. l Practice Your Invitation l Make Contacts for Invitation
Remember to PRAY lTlTalk to God about people before you talk to people about God. lPlPray that God will make them receptive to your invitation.
The Invitation l Give it in person, face to face if possible. l Say something like, “Our church is made up of small groups. We are having a get together at our home next Tuesday night to talk about starting a new group and we want you to come and let us know what you think. It will be about an hour and a quarter beginning at 7:30 PM and there is going to be something to eat. Would you come?
Reminders l The night before. l Call all your guests by phone. l Remind them about the time for the “Get- Together” and to dress casually. l Continue to pray.
That NIGHT! l VCR Required l Flyers and Video Set to Go l Refreshments Ready l Things in order and pray before guests arrive. l Review Evening Schedule and stay on time. l Pray again after Guests leave.
GOALS for the Evening lTlTo give everyone a positive experience. lTlTo invite them to another “Get- Together” again in two weeks. lTlTo have them show up in two weeks after considering becoming a group. lUlUltimately to become a group.
Summary l Pray.
Where to get more information l Other training sessions l List books, articles, electronic sources l Consulting services, other sources