Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Brussels, 25 September 2012 The European Innovation Partnerships Giuseppe Ruotolo DG Research and Innovation.


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Presentation transcript:

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Brussels, 25 September 2012 The European Innovation Partnerships Giuseppe Ruotolo DG Research and Innovation Innovation Policy Unit

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 2 1. Training researchers 5. European Research infrastructures 8. Forum on Forward Looking Activities 2. University ranking system 3. Developing new curricula 7. Involvement of SMEs in R&I 6. Programmes focusing on EU ERA Framework 27. Research programmes on public sector and social innovation 19. European Design Board 12. Cross-border matching of innovative firms 9. EIT to expand its activities 10. New financial instruments for private finance 11. Free Venture Capital funds 34. New indicator for fast-growing companies and monitoring 31. Scientific cooperation with third countries 32. International agreements on research infrastructures 33. MS to carry out self assessments 14. EU Patent 17. Pre- commercial and public procurements 18. Eco- innovation action plan 13. Review of State aid R&D&I 24. Smart Specialisation 29. European Innovation Partnerships 30. Policies for researchers to reside in Europe 20. Open access 28. Partners consultation on knowledge economy 25. Focus on Innovation in the next Structural Funds 26. European Social innovation pilot 21. Knowledge transfer 16. Modernise standard-setting 22. European market for patents and licensing 23. Safeguard of IPRs 15. Screening of key regulatory frameworks Innovation Union at a glance

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 3 Innovation Union: main achievements  Changing innovation landscape in Europe 9 proposals tabled including 6 legislative: ERA communication (#4) Horizon 2020 (#6) EIT Strategic Innovation Agenda (#9) Venture capital passport (#11) Unitary patent (#14) Standards (#16) Public procurement (#17) Eco-innovation Action Plan (#18) Structural Funds (#24/#25)  proposal on headline indicator (#34) is in progress  Squeezing the gap between ideas and market – frontloading growth 2012 and 2013 FP 7 Work Programmes

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 4 Innovation Union: main achievements  Experimenting and testing new ideas 6 pilot initiatives launched: Knowledge Alliances (#2) University ranking (#2) Regulatory screening (#15) Support mechanism for procurement of innovative products and services (#17) European Social Innovation pilot (#26) European Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard (#27)  Working in Partnership 5 novel platforms and fora: European Forum on Forward Looking Activities (#8) European Creative Industries Alliance (#19) European Design Leadership Board (#19) Smart Specialisation Platform (#24) European Innovation Partnerships (#29)

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 5 The European Innovation Partnerships challenge-driven result-oriented enhancing competitiveness tackling underinvestment and duplication; streamlining and coordinating existing instruments and initiatives coordinate investments in demonstration and pilots; mobilise ‘demand’ for a quicker time-to-market of R&I breakthroughs anticipate and fast-track regulation and standards; widely inclusive - involving all key players

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 6 A representative High-level Steering Group, chaired by the lead Commissioner(s). Participants in their personal capacity: -high level representatives of Member States (Ministers); -members of Parliament; -industry leaders, researchers and other key stakeholders Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP): - A shared problem analysis of key barriers - A limited number of priority areas for action based on agreed objectives - A set of operational and actionable recommendations (“early wins”) "Light"Governance

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 7 Strategic Implementation Plan - 3 PILLARS: 1.Prevention, screening and early diagnosis 2.Care & cure 3.Active ageing and independent living The Pilot EIP “Active and Healthy Ageing” Target by 2020: 2 extra healthy life years

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 8 EIPs timetable Active & Healthy Ageing Agricultural Productivity & Sustainability Water Raw Materials Smart Cities & Communities … SIP SIP = Strategic Implementation Plan SIP Implementation of projects Impl. of projects …………………….. ……………… ………………. endorsed …… ……………. …. 2011

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 9 Active & Healthy Ageing Agricultural Productivity & Sustainability Water Raw Materials Smart Cities FP7 Health and ICTHorizon 2020 CIP ICT Policy Support programmeHealth for Growth programme EIT KIC on "Innovation for healthy living and active ageing" Connecting Europe Facility digital service infrastructures National research and innovation programmes Standards e.g. for accessibility e.g. related to AAL-Ambient Assisted Living programme JPI on "More years, better lives", SF-Structural Funds Legislation FP7 EnvironmentHorizon 2020 CIP Eco-innovation programmeLIFE+ programme EIT Climate KICCAP water management in rural areas National research and innovation programmesWater Framework e.g. related to JPI on "Water challenges", SF etcDirective EU Development Aid e.g. EU-India cooperation initiative FP7 KBBEHorizon 2020 …SF-Structural Funds ……CAP Rural Development programme… ………………………… …………………………

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 10 EIPs' first achievements  EIP approach has brought together relevant public and private actors across the supply and the demand side and inter-related a critical mass of activities across the innovation cycle  Pilot EIP has established a shared vision and a focused framework for priority actions and has led to concrete stakeholder commitments 261 priority projects submitted by groups of stakeholders 54 regions and municipalities offered themselves as reference sites 100s of partners signed up to web-based platform for collaboration  Existing EU & national initiatives contribute to the aims of the EIPs opening opportunities to increase the impact by linking them to a broader strategy

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 11 What's next? Some lessons learnt −need engagement of all relevant stakeholders early in the process −alignment without superseding existing programmes and initiatives −need effective and balanced governance arrangements Evaluation of the EIPs overall performance by end-2013 Decision on next steps by end-2013 −proposing new EIPs based on criteria of Innovation Union Horizon 2020 and EIPs −full account shall be taken of the research and innovation agendas established by EIPs

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 12 Thank you!