Title I & Program Improvement Educational Services Cambrian School District December 1, 2014
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Title I Program Program Improvement Standards & Assessment Parental Involvement
Educational Services Linh X. Nguyen, Assistant Superintendent or ext. 106 Carlena Grandey, Administrative Assistant of Ed Services or ext. 108 Kathy Kimpel, English Learner & SBAC Coordinator or ext. 136 Kirby Fell, Director of Educational Technology or ext. 115 Dr. Mark Loos, Director of Student Services or ext. 121 Christine Gonzales, Administrative Assistant of Student Services or ext. 110
“No Child Left Behind” Act Education act signed into law in 2001 that aims to: Ensure that every student has a high quality education Challenge and motivate students Provide highly qualified teachers, who use proven teaching methods Ensure a safe, drug free learning environment
Title I Program Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child The program serves millions of children in public elementary and secondary schools each year including eligible students in private schools
How Title I Works The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I The California Department of Education sends the money to the district The school district identifies eligible schools and provides Title I funds Farnham, Sartorette and Price are all “Targeted” Title I schools.
What is “Targeted Title I”? Student identification is made that renders them eligible or ineligible for services Students identified as most at risk of not meeting state academic standards are served Programs targets resources only to those students most at-risk academically in reading and/or math Title I funds are used to support additional instruction On-going progress-monitoring must be in place After-school programs should be considered Parents must be notified of students’ eligibility for Title I services
Parent’s Right to Know Be involved and request regular meetings to express your opinions and to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of your children Be provided information on your child’s level of achievement on assessments like the SBAC in English language arts, mathematics, and science Request and receive information on the qualifications of your child’s teacher
School Accountability Report Card School Public Accountability Report (SARC) provides: Demographic data School safety and climate for learning information Academic data Graduation rates Class sizes Teacher and staff information Curriculum and instruction descriptions AYP information. Available at the school office or online at:
Common Core State Standards California academic content standards establish high expectations for all students Common Core State Standards identify what your child needs to know and be able to do in all content areas. More information about the CCSS is available at: /cc/
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) The Smarter Balanced Assessment System will give parents and students more accurate and actionable information about what students are learning. Because these assessments are computer adaptive, they will also provide better information about the needs and successes of individual students.computer adaptive Frequently Asked Questions: events/faqs/#2446http:// events/faqs/#2446
Measuring Student Success CA Common Core State Standards (CCSS) form the framework of everything taught at school Smarter Balanced Assessment Collaborative (SBAC) will be administered in Spring of 2015 for grades 3-8 in ELA & Math District Common Assessments (Benchmarks) are administered in ELA & Math 3 times per year (Fall, Winter & Spring) for grades 1-8 & ESGI for Kindergarten Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) for grades K-5 – Fall & Spring Content Standards Test (CST) for Science – Spring for grades 5 & 8
Parental Involvement Working together Parent Involvement Policy Involve parents in a meaningful way in the development, implementation and review of the school plan School Site Council (SSC) English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Home & School Club (H&SC) Parent-School Compact Meet with your child’s teacher Available at the school site
Parent Involvement While a quality school is important, it’s not the number one factor in determining your child’s probability of academic success. In a recent study of 10,000 U.S. teenagers, researchers found that the home environment was three times more important than the school when it comes to 18- year-olds’ test results. Three times. The message? Schools matter, but parents matter far more. Z6U5yaXA Z6U5yaXA
Cambrian School District API API * All Students Asian Hispanic White SED EL SWD *Last Year for API based on CST Data
Academic Performance Index Cambrian Schools School Bagby ES Fammatre ES *Farnham ES *Sartorette ES *Price MS * Targeted Title I Schools
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Federal Performance Model Percent Proficient and Above Numerically significant student subgroups 2013 & 2014 Performance Targets 2013 Target English Language Arts89.2% Mathematics89.5% 2014 Target English Language Arts100% Mathematics100%
Cambrian School District AYP English Language Arts Met AYP Asian Missed AYP Criteria White Hispanic English Learners Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Students with Disabilities (SWD) Mathematics Met AYP Asian Missed AYP White Hispanic English Learners Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Students with Disabilities (SWD)
Farnham School AYP English Language Arts Missed AYP Criteria White Hispanic English Learners Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Students with Disabilities (SWD) Mathematics Missed AYP Criteria White Hispanic English Learners Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Students with Disabilities (SWD)
Sartorette School AYP English Language Arts Met AYP Criteria Asian Missed AYP Criteria White Hispanic English Learners Economically Disadvantaged (SED) Mathematics Met AYP Criteria Asian White (Safe Harbor) Hispanic (Safe Harbor) Missed AYP Criteria English Learners Economically Disadvantaged (SED)
Price Middle School AYP English Language Arts Met AYP Criteria Asian White (Safe Harbor) English Leaners (Safe Harbor) Economically Disadvantaged (Safe Harbor) Missed AYP Criteria Hispanic Mathematics Met AYP Criteria English Learners (Safe Harbor) Missed AYP Criteria Asian White Hispanic Economically Disadvantaged
Program Improvement (PI) Formal designation Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title I funded districts & schools Did not make AYP criteria for numerically significant subgroups
Program Improvement Cambrian School District & Sartorette School – Year 3 Farnham School – Year 2 Price Middle School – Year 1
Program Improvement Requirements Year 1Year 2Year 3 Targeted Title I Schools Price MSFarnham ESSartorette ES RequirementsEligible for School Transfer to a Non- Title I School within Cambrian SD Eligible for School Transfer to a *Non- Title I School within Cambrian SD Eligible for School Transfer to a Non- Title I School within Cambrian SD Supplemental Educational Services *Non-Title I Schools: Bagby ES & Fammatre ES
Program Improvement Requirements Year 1 District Provide assistance to revise and implement SPSAs Provide timely and varied school and student data to sites Review LEA Plan Notify parents of PI status School Revise and implement SPSA based on results of data Establish system to continuously monitor school progress Year 2 District Continue implementation and monitoring of LEA Plan rewritten and approved in 2011 Provide assistance to revise and implement SPSAs Provide timely and varied school and student data to sites Provide ongoing support to sites Notify parents of PI status School Revise and implement SPSA Maintain system to continuously monitor student and school progress Offer Supplementary Educational Services (SES) for qualifying students Year 3 District Continue Year 2 requirements Refine and monitor LEA Plan Ensure SPSAs are in alignment with refined LEA Plan Provide assistance to sites for SPSA implementation Notify parents of PI status School Continue Year 2 requirements Refine and implement SPSA Collaborate with LEA to improve student achievement Refine system to monitor student and school progress
Program Improvement Next Steps Identifying students who qualify for services: District will notify parents of those students by mail Parents will have 2-3 weeks to apply for services through an application process District will consider all applicants and based on available resources and state criteria, we will determine eligibility Enrollment Priority and Available Space : Federal law states we must give first priority to the eligible children based on standardized district assessments results. Until we hear from every parent of an eligible child, we cannot guarantee that your child will qualify for services
Program Improvement Services School Level Site Based Tier II Interventions Additional Targeted Instructional Time Extended Targeted Learning Time District Level School Transfer Based on eligibility and available space at Non-Title I Schools (at Bagby & Fammatre) Supplemental Educational Services Based on eligibility and funding Highest priority for students who qualify
Program Improvement No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act 2001 Learn more about the new No Child Left Behind requirements and become aware of strategies to improve student academic achievement. Additional information and resources are available at the following web sites: The California Department of Education Title I, Part A web page The California Department of Education Title I, Part A web page Program Improvement Status Determinations web page Program Improvement Status Determinations web page The U.S. Department of Education’s web site The U.S. Department of Education’s web site
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