Navigating a Complex System 2
Balancing Incentives Program Single Entry Point (ADRC) Screening and referral to AERS for standardized assessment (interRAI) Money Follows the Person Nursing facility home NF Options counseling Options Counseling Person-centered Two types: nursing facility-based; community-based (MAP site) Coordinate and plan referrals, services, application assistance Other Coordinating with hospital discharge Serving veterans Chronic disease self- management MAP The Big Picture
Section 102(a)(4) The term ‘Aging and Disability Resource Center’ means an entity established by a State as part of the State system of long- term care, to provide a coordinated system for providing – (A) comprehensive information on the full range of available public and private long-term care programs, options, service providers, and resources within a community, including information on the availability of integrated long-term care; (B) personal counseling to assist individuals in assessing their existing or anticipated long-term care needs, and developing and implementing a plan for long-term care designed to meet their specific needs and circumstances; and (C) consumers access to the range of publicly-supported long-term care programs for which consumers may be eligible, by serving as a convenient point of entry for such programs. 5 Older Americans Act of 2006
Maryland Senate Bill 83 – passed in 2013 Human Services Article, Section (D) Defines ADRC and establishes it in the MDoA Defines “options counseling” 6 Maryland Legislation
Aging & Disability Resource Centers/MAP 7 20 ADRC/MAP sites statewide Multiple agency partners Single entry point for Medicaid community long term care programs
What can a consumer expect at MAP? Information on all programs & services Options counseling Person-centered discussion Planning and decision-making support Referrals & application assistance MEDICAID COMMUNITY LTC PROGRAMS Limited follow up
Options Counseling Types Performed by CIL and AAA staff Operational protocol strictly outlined Payment per referral Provided only to NF residents. Performed MAP staff Funded by ACL and DHMH Operational protocol under development Grant-based payment, currently Nursing Facility OCOC in the Community
Why connect your clients to MAP? Learn about full range of services and programs available to them. Find programs that may better suit their needs. Plan for long-term care. Connecting individuals to Medicaid community long term care services
Accessing MAP Statewide Toll Free Phone Number ▫1-844-MAP-XXXX Website – ▫10,500 provider listings and adding more ▫Changes starting Summer 2014 In-Person ▫20 MAP sites statewide
Medicaid Supports Planning Services Supports Planning = Case Management Community Options waiver and Community First Choice programs Consumer choice in Supports Planning Providers
Education, Planning, and Connection ▫Maryland Access Point (MAP) = Options Counseling related to long term care programs, including Medicaid programs ▫MAP website = consumer side of long term care reform in Maryland MAP website will include a personal care provider directory ▫Statewide toll free number for access to long term care information and services and planning
Diversion and Supports Planning MDoA diversion programs (Senior Care, Subsidized Assisted Living Group Homes, Congregate Housing, Nutrition/Meals) complement Medicaid’s efforts to divert people from nursing homes and prior to their meeting Medicaid eligibility criteria AAAs will provide supports planning for waiver and CFC participants MAP/AAAs are realigning under MDoA leadership to serve a broader population in the new long term care infrastructure
Contact Teja Rau Maryland Department of Aging 301 W. Preston Street, Suite 1007 Baltimore, MD (410)