European Security and Defence College Contributing to iMAF goals?
Steering Committee Steering Committee Executive Academic Board Executive Academic Board Head ESDC Head ESDC Secretariat ESDC Secretariat Civilian and military training institutes of Member States ESDC Structure © by Jochen Rehrl Steering Committee Executive Academic Board Head ESDC ESDC Secretariat overall coordination and direction of the ESDC ensures the quality and the coherence of ESDC activities organisation, management ESDC activities; financial/administrative management of the ESDC assists the Head, provides support to the Committee, Board and the institutes
82 network members (as of Nov 2014) Ranging from Diplomatic Academies to Police Colleges Ranging from Defence Academies to Peace Universities More than 60 training activities annually Ranging from one day seminars to courses of a full academic year Covering general, geographical and horizontal CFSP/CSDP issues App 7500 alumni (1577 in 2013/ as of Nov 2014 ) From all EU Member States, EU institutions, EU agencies and candidate countries As well as from Third countries and organisations ESDC in a nutshell
- Embedded in the EEAS structures - Council Decision 2013/189/CFSP - Legal capacity "Course participants shall be personnel dealing with strategic aspects in the field of CFSP and experts to be deployed in CSDP missions or operations " -Certificates signed by HR/VP -Curricula certified by 28 EU MSs in close cooperation with relevant EU institutions
Diplomatic actions Economic Sanctions CSDP Activity* Development Aid Humanitarian Assistance Conflict Prevention measures JHA, TRADE, CLIMA,… Range of EU options Crisis Comprehensive Approach
CSDP High-Level SeminarHigh-Ranking Staff and Decision-Makers CSDP High-Level Course Senior Mission Leader Course Senior Staff Level ESDC Training Concept CSDP Orientation Courses / Common CSDP Modules General (mid rank) Working Level CSDP Courses for Specialised Staff and Experts Specialist and Expert Level Courses can have different focus on thematic, regional and/ or horizontal issues; also open to third states and IOs Courses for i.a. for LEGAD, POLAD, SSR, Gender Advisor and others CSDP Training delivered by Member States Training material and IDL system support for all training levels through the ESDC IDL Support Joint Civil and Military participation Training Audiences ESDC Training Activities
Main activities activities in total – CSDP High-Level Course – 12 CSDP OC (and 2 reflection seminars) – 14 pilot activities Pre-deployment training for civilians new version Common modules as result of iMAF 2014 Main new activities
Vision (where to go) High-quality courses – objectively measurable learning outcomes – meeting a clearly identified training requirement Preserve and cherish network character Relying on existing structures and automated systems Access to training facilities in Brussels A flexible organisation – spread knowledge about CSDP – enhance a common security and defence culture – able to support EU Member States and Institutions – reach out to partners worldwide for mutual benefit
High-quality courses Requirement Programme content Lecturer Environment Pedagogical approach Measurable learning outcome
The network MS training institutes – Civilian Police Diplomatic Academic – Military – Mixed EUISS Partners EDA CEPOL FRONTEX GCSP DCAF
ESDC in a pivotal role
IDL course AKU 7: Treaty of Lisbon AKU 2: ESS AKU 1: History Autnomous Knowledge Units: AKU 1: History AKU 2: Security Strategy AKU 3: EU Institutions AKU 4: Operational Engagement AKU 5: Capability Development AKU 6: Decision Making/Shaping AKU 7: Treaty of Lisbon AKU 8: Climate Change AKU 9: Non-Proliferation AKU 10: Negotiation and Mediation AKU 11: Gender …
Training for CSDP Missions Senior Mission Leaders Course Mission Planning Processes Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management Civil-Military Cooperation SSR Basic and Core Courses Protection of Civilians POLAD PPIO Gender Mediation and Negotiation Peacebuilding Preparatory training for CSDP Missions Building Integrity and Anti-Corruption Cross Cultural Competences Conflict Prevention EU Concept Core Course Supported by Internet-based Distance Learning, IDL
ESDC activities in support of third states and EU partnerships in CSDP Standard ESDC Programme / Opening of Courses All Third States and International Organisations future: pre-deployment training including partners in missions and operations Special CSDP Training Programmes (IDL – OC – Reflection Seminar) Western Balkan Countries (SAP) – supported by Commission/TAIEX Eastern Partners/EaP – supported by Commission/Neighbourhood Instrument Special CSDP Seminars CHINA (March 2013) ASEAN/ARF (March 2014) / financial support Exploring the possibility for Latin America Countries together with a network institute / financial support Residential standard courses with selected partners e.g. CSDP Orientation Course in Kiev end of October 2014
ESDC - Objectives Council Decision 2013/189/CFSP to further enhance the common European security and defence culture within CSDP; to promote a better understanding of CSDP as an essential part of CFSP; to provide Union instances with knowledgeable personnel able to work efficiently on all CSDP matters; to provide Member States’ administrations and staff with knowledgeable personnel familiar with Union policies, institutions and procedures in the field of CFSP; to support Union partnerships in the field of CSDP, in particular partnerships with those countries participating in CSDP missions; to help promote professional relations and contacts among participants in ESDC training activities (‘participants’). to provide support to the management of training in the field of conflict prevention and civilian crisis management
How can ESDC support
…or was it the other way around? ESDC Objectives : …. to further enhance the common European security and defence culture within CSDP; The ESDC was tasked to implement the European Initiative for the ESDC
But it is not a competition: we both contribute to the same goal The ESDC with its large network of training providers and with direct access to the EU Institutions can easily contribute to the aims of iMAF iMAF provides an excellent forum for discussion and supports the IG with its output Conclusion