Building the Pipeline Towards College Readiness: Florida Partnership Mark Matthews Senior Educational Manager (850)
Higher Ground: Achieving the A Systematically A school environment that provides all students the opportunity to reach their highest academic achievement potential level
What does this school environment look like? Culture of academic rigor and relevance Use of data to close gaps in student academic achievement Collaborative decision making in leadership teams Set high expectations that hold students and adults accountable
Aligning an Academically Rigorous Curriculum to College Readiness All students can meet high expectations for academic performance when they are taught to high standards by qualified teachers. The rigor of a high school curriculum is the greatest predictor of degree completion. Finishing a mathematics course beyond Algebra 2 more than doubles the odds a student will complete a bachelor's degree.
Aligning an Academically Rigorous Curriculum to College Readiness African American and Latino students’ college degree completion rates are more positively affected than any other group by rigor of high school curriculum. The knowledge and skills required for college success are comparable to the knowledge and skills required by well-paying, entry level jobs with opportunity for advancement in today’s knowledge-based global economy.
Aligning an Academically Rigorous Curriculum to College Readiness Challenges Opportunity to learn in high school courses varies tremendously. Courses are not vertically aligned to provide sustained development of knowledge and skills required for college success. High school exit exams are not designed to measure students’ readiness for college.
College Board Standards for College Success Purpose Prepare all students for the intellectual demands of college-level work by the time they graduate high school. Increase the number and broaden the diversity of students prepared to succeed in Advanced Placement ® courses.
College Board Standards for College Success Purpose Provide a model for states and districts to align K-12 curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development to national standards of college readiness. Align College Board programs, including SpringBoard ®, to clear definitions of college readiness.
College Board Standards for College Success Development strategy Identify the knowledge and critical thinking skills that first-year college faculty expect of entering freshmen in English language arts and mathematics and statistics. Map back from these expectations to articulate a coherent framework of high expectations and rigorous academic study beginning in grade 6 to prepare students for college.
How can we create this environment in our schools to improve academic achievement for all of our students?
The College Board College Readiness System A flexible set of programs and services that helps schools Infuse rigor, set high expectations, and align the school culture to college readiness Expand access and opportunity Inspire students’ hearts and minds to achieve
SAT ® AP ® SpringBoard ® PSAT/NMSQT ® Pre-AP CollegeEd ® MyRoad ™ Prof. Dev. Professional Development Leadership Monitoring School Improvement Master Schedule Curriculum Instruction Data Analysis & Interpretation College Readiness System
(CollegeEd, MyRoad)
“ Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” William Butler Yeats
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