Doctoral studies at the University of Tuzla prof. dr Enver Halilović Rector Heidelberg, November
► ► “Strategic Development Plan for the University of Tuzla for the period " sets, as one of the main objectives of the University, the establishment of European standards of higher education stipulated by the Bologna Declaration, that is, creating preconditions for the third cycle studies at the University, doctoral studies.
► ► Doctoral programmes are crucial for research and inovation capacity of the society. Both academic and non-academic sectors are in need for a systematic increase in the number of highly qualified researchers. ► ► Due in part to historical reasons combined with budgetary restrictions and inadequate perception of the role of a university in a society, research at WB universities is al so somewhat difficult by the atomization of research interests.
► ► University of Tuzla is defined in "Rules on the third cycle studies - doctoral studies at the University of Tuzla“ of Organization and implementation doctoral studies, enrollment, the mode of examination and research, application procedures, evaluation and defense of doctoral dissertations, as well as other issues of importance for the performance of studies to acquire the scientific degree of doctor of Science / Arts
► ► The right of enrolment into the first year of doctoral studies is granted to candidates who have completed the appropriate academic undergraduate and graduate or master studies, with at least 300 ECTS credits. ► ► The student elects the courses from a catalogue, in accordance with the curriculum adopted by the Senate of the University upon proposal by the Faculty Council. ► ► Doctoral study ends with the completion and defense of the doctoral dissertation.
► Senate has adopted Guidelines for drafting third cycle study programmes: ► ► To define admission criterion for doctoral studies in accordance to a "Rules on the third cycle studies - doctoral studies at the University of Tuzla“ ► ► To define evaluation of an MSc academic degree in ECTS in the framework of the third cycle. ► ► To define a number of courses with ETCS, contact hours that doctoral student enrolls in first two semesters, considering maximum load per semester (30 ECTS) courses per semester with max 30 contact hours per course.
► ► To define a number of research seminars in each semester, ECTS they carry, considering maximum load per semester. ► ► To define a valuation of doctoral dissertation ECTS ► ► It is recommended to involve professors from other universities for realization of the third cycle. ► ► Representatives from Collegiate Divisions are to enforce the Guidelines and "Rules on the third cycle studies - doctoral studies at the University of Tuzla".
► ► Until now, the University of Tuzla has organized doctoral studies, in the framework of the Tempus program “SEE Doctoral Studies in Mathematical Sciences” with partners.
► ► The far-reaching objective of this project is to enhance the capacities of Western Balkans universities in mathematical sciences for successful integration into European Higher Education Area and European Research Area. ► ► The focal point is the development of structured doctoral studies as the third Bologna cycle of higher education through networking partner universities in a way that overcomes fragmentation and foster the reciprocal development of human resources. By December 2010, i.e.
Objectives of the Tempus program “SEE Doctoral Studies in Mathematical Sciences” ► ► To develop structured doctoral studies in mathematical sciences through networking Western Balkans universities in a way that overcomes fragmentation and foster the reciprocal development of human resources in accordance with EHEA - ERA goals ► ► To strengthen master programs in mathematical modelling and financial mathematics ► ► To upgrade laboratories for applied mathematics at consortium members in Western Balkans countries
► ► Grantholder: University of Sarajevo ► ► Partners: ► ► University of Sarajevo, BiH ► ► University Luigj Gurakuqi Of Shkodra, Albania ► ► Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria ► ► University of Tuzla (UT), BiH ► ► University of Banja Luka, BiH ► ► Institute of Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgaria ► ► St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria ► ► Mathematical Society Of South-Eastern Europe, Greece ► ► Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Macedonia ► ► University of Belgrade, Serbia ► ► University of Montenegro
► The lasting impact is expected through a systematic increase in number of highly qualified young researchers, wider employability of mathematicians in non-academic sectors and adjustment to a new paradigm in the university mathematics education making a better use of traditionally strong abilities in mathematical problem solving.