Welcome to Back to School Night Mathematics Department Algebra I CP Mrs. Cassidy and Miss Samonisky
Things You Need to Know About Algebra 1 CP 1. About Us 2. Interactive Notebooks 3. Homework Chart 4. Make-up Work 5. Algebra I Keystone Preparation
1: About Mrs. Cassidy Undergraduate ~ Millersville University. Master’s Degree ~ Wilkes University. 3 years Teaching math/Coaching track in Charles County Maryland. This is the start of my 15 th year at HHHS. Riley ~ first grade Conor ~ age 3 Free time ~ Run…Read…Relax
1: About Miss Sam 1 st year teaching at Hatboro Horsham High School I studied at the University of Maryland College Park I taught in Maryland for four years before relocating to the Philadelphia area I am getting married next year on Pi Day!
Contact Information Mrs. Cassidy Miss Samonisky Link to our website! 1: About Us us ANYTIME!
2: Interactive Notebooks The purpose of the interactive notebook is to enable students to be creative independent thinkers Interactive notebooks are used for class notes and example problems in order for students to have a consistent reference when studying for assessments
3: Homework Chart
4: Make-Up Work Any classroom assessments that are missed due to an absence will be marked as a zero in the grade book UNTIL students complete the missing assessment AND present us with a green “excused absence” pass.
5: Algebra I Keystone Preparation There will be weekly Keystone practice homework assignments We are encouraging students to come in during their HATS period to ask for assistance on these assignments We will be grading these based on the quality of the work