Welcome Parents! November 20, 2014
Curriculum 2.0 Overview
Reasons behind the Shift The improvements to the math curriculum are in response to several factors: The adoption of the internationally-driven Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and new, more difficult assessments being developed by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). The changing demands of the work force, including 21st century skills, such as , collaboration, persistence, critical thinking, and creative thinking. Community and staff feedback, including the recommendations of the MCPS Math Work Group. The University System of Maryland’s admissions expectation that students complete Algebra 2 and/or another significant math course in their senior year.
Goals of Curriculum 2.0 With the recommendations of the Math Work Group and the new definitions for college and career readiness formed the four goals for the K-12 MCPS Curriculum 2.0 Mathematics Program: Develop Mathematical Students: who value mathematics and see it as useful to solve problems and make sense of the world. Mastery of Concepts: engage students with content and processes that help them reach proficiency as defined by UCARE. Deeper Knowledge: all students master the knowledge, skill, and understanding necessary to be college and career ready by graduation. Preparation: give students the desired skills necessary to have the opportunity to take AP or other college- level math courses in high school.
Math Curriculum Progression
Understanding UCARE How do we measure proficiency? With the past curriculum, computation and procedures were sufficient to reach success in previous curriculum and assessments. The CCSS requires students to show greater depth by demonstrating their Understanding, Computing, Applying, Reasoning, and Engagement (UCARE) in mathematics.
Identification for Compacted Math Which students will participate in the compacted Curriculum 2.0 (C2.0) Compacted Grades 4/5 Math course? Most students will be well-served in the C2.0 Grade 4 Math There will be some students who demonstrate readiness for above grade-level content and will have access to the Curriculum 2.0 compacted Grades 4/5 Math course. Those who have consistently demonstrated proficiency of all grade-level indicators and acceleration opportunities. What is the design of the Curriculum 2.0 Compacted Grades 4/5 Math? This course combines all of C2.0 Grade 4 mathematics indicators with part of C2.0 Grade 5 mathematics indicators. Students will cover the content of six marking periods (four marking period of Math 4 and two marking period of Math 5) in four marking periods. How are students identified to participate in the Curriculum 2.0 Compacted Grades 4/5 course? There is a two step system-wide process. Schools review existing student performance data to help identify students that might be candidates. Then, teachers assess these identified students on a series of tasks. These tasks measure UCARE. To be considered for the compacted mathematics course, a student would need to demonstrate all of the following: Independently and consistently demonstrates proficiency as defined by the five strands of UCARE, earlier than the end of instruction for concepts. Has needs that would best be met through a much quicker pace of instruction, while maintaining the depth of understanding. Is among the highest performing students in the grade level and/or does not have a group of similarly situated peers in his or her grade-level class. Meets or exceeds the benchmark for enriched and accelerated mathematics within the UCARE Assessment Portfolio.
Enrichment and Acceleration in Curriculum 2.0 Students who demonstrate proficiency at an exceptionally thorough level with all concepts in a week will be provided with enrichment opportunities. Enrichment tasks ask students to further apply the mathematical concepts to grade-level indicators. After students have successfully completed enrichment opportunities for the week, a student may be accelerated to the next topic in the learning progression-often the next week of instruction.
Let’s View Some Problems! GRADE 5 SAMPLE: In the past we just taught the algorithm, but now in fifth grade students do not learn the algorithm. How does examining area models to represent fractions help with student understanding?
How Can I Help At Home?
Resources for Questioning and Practice IXL Math Learn Zillion Questions to Support Thinking Document Referencing the Parent Newsletters sent home bi- quarterly. MCPS Math Webpage