Mathematicians. By: Lacey Cheyenne Rupe.
Three Famous Mathematicians. Amalie Emmy Noether. Isaac (Sir) Newton. Aryabhatta.
Amalie Emmy Noether. She was born in 1882 in Germany and died in She was considered the greatest master of abstract algebra ever; her advances include a new theory of ideals, the inverse Galois problem, and the general theory of commutative rings. Her approaches tended to unify disparate areas (algebra, geometry, topology, logic) and led eventually to modern category theory.
More information. Her work has found various applications in physics, and made direct advances in mathematical physics herself. She was an unusual and inspiring teacher. She was generous with students and colleagues, even allowing them to claim her work as their own. Close friends and colleagues would agree that Emmy Noether was the greatest female mathematician ever.
Picture of Amalie.
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Sir Isaac Newton. Born in 1642 in England, he passed away in Newtown was an industrious man who built toys, such as a model windmill which was powered by a mouse on a treadmill. He was 22 when he left for University, he began revolutionary advances in mathematics, optics, dynamics, thermodynamics, acoustics and celestial mechanics.
More information. Although he was claimed to be engaged, Newton was never married. Newton dedicated most of his time to study of alchemy and biblical chronology, but most of his work in those areas remained unpublished until long after his death. In his later life, Newton became president of the Royal Society. He also served the British government as Warden and Master of the Royal Mint.
Picture of Isaac Newton.
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Aryabhatta. Born in 476 CE in India, he passed away in 550 CE. Was the first in line of great mathematician- astronomers from the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy. He is the author of several treatises on mathematics and astronomy, which some are lost.
More information. His work was the greatest influence in the Indian astronomical tradition and influenced several neighboring cultures translations. Solar and lunar eclipses were scientifically explained by him.
Picture of Aryabhatta.
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All three mathematicians have influenced the way we work with math today. With the equations we work, to the symbols we use.