November, CANQA project Tempus project SCM BE-SMHES CANQA “Central Asian Network on Quality Assurance and Accreditation” Education Network Association Natalia Nikitenko November, 3-4, 2011
Education Network Association (EdNet) Association of higher educational institutions. Was established in 2003 Works in 3 countries of Central Asia – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan Have 35 members (HEIs) and more than 30 partners Headquarter is in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan CANQA project November,
EdNet’s mission and directions Enhancement of education quality, achieve development and integration of higher education institutions, partners and stakeholders in Central Asia towards formation of Central Asian HEA. Introduction of quality culture and quality assurance system Assist to modernization of higher education in terms of content, management Assist integration of business sector and academia CANQA project November,
Internationalization EdNet is a member of EURASHE, CEEMAN, INQAHEE Partnerships with more than 30 EU universities and organizations, including NVAO, ACQUIN, UCG, TIRI In 2012 is going to become ENQA associate member. Nowadays develops a number of activities with ENQA CANQA project November,
Projects EdNet has wide experience on creation and administration of projects as national, regional and general coordinators Starting from 2003 EdNet has developed and implemented more that 30 projects on education Including 7 projects namely on Quality assurance, quality culture and accreditation Currently EdNet is involved in 10 projects: 5 – Tempus, 2 Erasmus, 3 Soros, German organization, USAID 4 from those projects are specifically on quality assurance CANQA project November,
CANQA project November, CANQA Tempus project Central Asian Network for Quality assurance and accreditation Duration: prolonged until June 2012 Project Budget: euro The long-term goal of the project: Development and implementation of quality assurance and quality culture in higher education in Central Asia Goals and Objectives of the project: The formation and development of group of experts from the universities of Central Asia, the members of the Consortium Project; Development of methodological and legal frameworks on internal and external quality assurance; Establishment and development centers for quality assurance and accreditation in each participating country of Central Asia Creation on the basis of the centers and development of Central Asian Network on Quality Assurance and Accreditation (CANQA) Research, analysis of materials and self-evaluation and external evaluation within the framework of the Consortium
CANQA project November, Consortium members Europe4 universities 3 independent organizations Kyrgyz Republic (7 experts on internal QA, 2 experts on external QA) 7 universities 3 independent organizations MES KR Republic of Kazakhstan (6 experts on internal QA, 2 experts on external QA) 6 universities 1 independent organizations MES RK Republic of Tajikistan (3 experts on internal QA, 2 experts on external QA) 3 universities 1 independent organizations MES RT
Outcomes achieved. 1 st year Learning, understanding, first steps on bringing internal QA culture in HEIs Experts on internal and external QA selected by HEIs and EU experts 1 st general partners meeting in Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek in Trainings for the experts: 2 seminars in CA, 1 in Santiago de Compostella, Spain Stock taking and analysis of materials for internal QA systems’ by CA experts. Learning about various models on internal QA. Special focus on EFQM. Development of 1 st survey Dissemination of information and survey results by CA experts in home HEIs - consultancy and trainings for teaching staff and administration Development by experts on external QA concept and legal framework for establishment of independent accreditation agencies. Legal agencies establishment in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan Web site launch Creation of CANQA 1 st year Annual Conference –sharing first results. December 2009, Dushanbe, Tajikistan CANQA project November,
Outcomes achieved. 2nd year Content and procedures formation: development of methodology and procedures for QA, introduction of independent accreditation agencies 3 Trainings for the experts: 2 seminars in CA, 1 in NVAO, Flanders Development and publication of Guidance on internal QA introduction in the HEIs of CA – done by CA experts – 1 st edition consultancy and trainings for teaching staff and administration in CA HEIs by experts Learning by experts on external QA various national QA standards, ESG. Development methodology for external QA for home countries Official establishment of independent accreditation agencies in KG and TG, equipping with tools and staff Creation of CANQA – members are newly established agencies and Consortium members – Memorandum signed 2 nd year Annual Conference – November Almaty, Kazakhstan CANQA project November,
Outcomes achieved. 3rd year-4 th extended Practical results: self assessment and first pilot accreditations, development of the agencies, CANQA positioning So far 2 Tainings for the experts: 1 international seminar with ENQA (Dr. Hopbach) in Kyrgyzstan, 1 training in NVAO, Flanders Selection of program and Self assessment by HEIs in CA Self assessment report preparation Pilot program accreditations (November 2011-April 2012) with CA and EU experts Review of 1 st edition of Guidance on internal QA by experts. Publication of the 2 nd edition Publication of the Guidance on external QA by each accreditation agnecy of CA consultancy and trainings for teaching staff and administration in CA HEIs by experts CANQA development: Development of all legal documents, Strategy, Provisions for CANQA. Elections of the executive bodies 3rd year Annual Conference CANQA project November,
ChallengesActions taken Different conditions, policies and trends in HE systems in 3 countries of CA Involvement of the Ministries of education from the 1 st days and within the project Capacity of experts in CAQuality selection, their positions ] functions are related to QA, trainings and seminars, consultancy of EU partners Agency in KZ (CAMAN) changed the management and strategy. Is not motivated to stay at the accreditation field Meetings with KZ consortium members, rectors. Initiative to create new organization by HEIs that will be basis for the new agency. Discussions with Ministry Lack of motivation of HEIs staff to introduce QA system, pass accreditation Involvement of rectors and administrators in the project. Agreements within Consortium CA and EU about recognitions of the results and future contacts Future of CANQA and agenciesWork with national policy makers, CANQA membership in ENQA, INQAHEE, mapping the network, national legislation to create motivation to accreditation Strengthening communication tools and management during the project CANQA project November,
CANQA project November, Bishkek, 2009 Santiago de Compostela,2009 Dushanbe, 2009
CANQA project November,
CANQA project November,
CANQA project November, Отчет о реализации проекта CANQA за 2010 год 28 февраля 2011год
CANQA project November, Отчет о реализации проекта CANQA за 2010 год Participants of the project consortium signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Central Asian network of quality assurance and accreditation CANQA, whose founders are the Education Network Association Kyrgyz Republic), Centre of Progressive Technologies in Education (Republic of Tajikistan) and Central Asian Foundation for Management Development (Republic of Kazakhstan). 2010
CANQA project November, Thank you for your attention! Natalia Nikitenko