LESZEK DROGOSZ COGENERATION OF POWER AND HEAT IN WARSAW Warsaw, as both the capital city of Poland and its largest metropoly (1.7 million, agglomeration up to 3 million) realizes importance of challenges about tackling climate change we face. We are trying to improve energy efficiency, popularize vehicles with alternative propulsions and introduce renewable energy sources. Another, sometimes underappreciated method to improve energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions is cogeneration of heat and power.
PRODUCING POWER AND HEAT IN COGENERATION The Warsaw district heating system uses heat from combined heat and power plants (CHPs). Waste heat, produced in the power plants during the production of electricity, is usually treated as a waste and sent to nearby water reservoirs. Using cogeneration leads to reduction of coal consumption of 30-37% compared to separate production of the same amount of heat and power. Co-generation gives our city extra 3,5 TWh of energy. If not for this, separate production of heat and electricity would lead to additional emission in Poland of 2 mln t CO 2 a year! Heat Plant Losses Fuel Power Plant CHP Fuel
THE CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEM IN WARSAW CHPs Siekierki and Zeran produce 3640 MWt of heat and 970 MWe of power, while heat plants Kaweczyn and Wola 930 MWt of heat One of the largest such systems in Europe (1700 km of main pipes) Heat Plant Wola CHP Zeran Heat Plant Kaweczyn CHP Siekierki B G T
RENEWABLE ENERGY FROM BIOMASS RES make cogeneration of heat and electric energy more pro- environmental: due to projects being implemented in Warsaw area (modernization/extension of Zeran CHP, biomass combustion installation in Siekierki CHP and complete conversion of Pruszkow CHP to biomass) we envisage reaching the following biomass shares in combusted fuel: 2009 r.: 2% 2015 r.: 11% 2020 r.: 15%.