NA NDT B UK National Aerospace NDT Board 1 Introduction to the UK National Aerospace Board NAndtB_11 Issue 1 2010-03-29.


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Presentation transcript:

NA NDT B UK National Aerospace NDT Board 1 Introduction to the UK National Aerospace Board NAndtB_11 Issue

NA NDT B 2 NAndtB_11 Issue Background prEN4179 introduced the concept of a National Aerospace NDT Board to provide support with the qualification and approval of NDT personnel. At a meeting of interested parties in April 1996 to discuss prEN4179 and the need for a NAndtB, consensus opinion of the UK Aerospace Industry was against the establishment of such a Board. This was also the view of SBAC NDT SIG.

NA NDT B 3 NAndtB_11 Issue JAR 145 and Protected Rights JAR 145 amendment 3 brought in the requirement for NDT personnel to be qualified to EN4179 after 31 December NDT Personnel qualified to a national standard recognised by the JAA Full member authority may continue to carry out and control such tests after December (JAR145.30(f)(1))

NA NDT B 4 NAndtB_11 Issue EASA Part 145 Part 145.A.30(f) states that NDT personnel must be qualified to a European standard recognised by the Agency. AMC145.A.30(f) declares that the European standard recognised by the Agency is EN4179:2000 and does not include EN473.

NA NDT B 5 NAndtB_11 Issue National Aerospace NDT Board AMC145.A.30(f) 4 requires in addition to EN4179 that all examinations should be conducted by personnel or organisations under the control of a National Aerospace NDT Board. Where there is not a National Aerospace NDT Board, the NDT Board of another Member state should be used as defined by the competent authority.

NA NDT B 6 NAndtB_11 Issue National Aerospace NDT Board Until a National Aerospace NDT Board is established, newly qualified NDT personnel will not be able to carry out tasks under Part 145. A National Aerospace NDT Board could, according to EN4179:2000 paragraph 4.5 recognise equivalences of qualification and approval, which could allow recognition of EN473 qualification within EN4179 schemes.

NA NDT B 7 NAndtB_11 Issue Implications Newly qualified NDT personnel operating under part 145 cannot be approved. Establishment of a UK NAndtB is a necessity.

NA NDT B 8 NAndtB_11 Issue Initial Meeting Representatives from each UK Aerospace Prime and the CAA - 24 th May 2004 at Hatton Cross. AIRBUS, Agusta Westland, BA, BAE Systems, Bombardier, Honeywell, Messier Dowty, RR. Agreement reached to act as a ‘formative working group’, establish a UK NAndtB and determine the what, who and how’s. CAA confirm: prEN4179:2003 should be used as the ‘standard’ within the UK. Protected rights period extended to end of part 145 transition period, i.e. 28 November 2004.

NA NDT B 9 NAndtB_11 Issue Application CAA do not wish to see a two track system between NDT personnel operating under part 145 and part 21. CAA report that AWN94 will be revised for publication in 2005, estimated timescales: Draft by end of November (prior to 7/12/04 UK NAndtB Meeting). Issue by March/April 2005.

NA NDT B 10 NAndtB_11 Issue Organisation NANDTB Prime Contractors (charter) Maintenance Facilities (MRO’s) Training Centres BINDT (administration) CAA (recognition) Prime Contractors (OEM’s) Suppliers, Sub Contractors, Test Laboratories ‘Control of Examinations’

NA NDT B 11 NAndtB_11 Issue Formative Working Group Subsequent meetings held 28 th June, 29 th July, 25 th August. Draft Constitution, Aims & Objectives, Method of Operation, Terms of Reference established. Membership and voting rights determined. Processes for controlling examinations identified as first priority. BINDT requested to act as secretariat.

NA NDT B 12 NAndtB_11 Issue Role of the UK NAndtB As recognised by EN4179:2003 Establishing NDT personnel training, experience and examination requirements for certification in ‘other’ NDT methods. Administering procedures for qualification and certification of NDT personnel. Recognising equivalence of qualification and certification. Providing general guidelines for NDT training, course outlines, examination questions and exam procedures.

NA NDT B 13 NAndtB_11 Issue Control of Examinations NDT personnel trained & examined by the employer NDT personnel trained & examined by an Outside Agency NDT personnel trained & examined by central certification Recognition of BINDT accreditation for Outside Agencies providing employer based training & examination Recognition of Nadcap accreditation Recognition of PCN as satisfying EN4179 and being suitably sector specific Note: Recognition of Nadcap accreditation could not be adopted by the Board as not all NAndtB members are subscribers to Nadcap and thus full oversight could not be achieved.

NA NDT B 14 NAndtB_11 Issue Inaugural Meeting 4 th October 2004 at Messier Dowty, the UK NAndtB is launched as an independent organisation, chartered by participating prime contractors and recognised by the CAA. Chair, Vice Chair and Secretariat agreed. Constitution, Aims & Objectives, Method of Operation, Terms of Reference agreed.

NA NDT B 15 NAndtB_11 Issue Control of Examinations At Outside Agencies. Recognition and oversight of BINDT accreditation granted to Outside Agencies providing employer based training & examination [outstanding issue]. Within ‘in house’ schemes. By mandating employers gain BINDT accreditation for ‘in house’ training & examination [outstanding issue]. Administered by PCN. By taking control of PCN Aerospace examinations, ensuring compliance with EN4179.

NA NDT B 16 NAndtB_11 Issue Other Activities Liaison with other existing and newly established NAndtB’s. Dedicated UK NAndtB web page established on the BINDT website. Publishing a quarterly NAndtB report in NDT News.

NA NDT B 17 NAndtB_11 Issue Interim Measure Recognise current PCN Aerospace Certification as satisfying EN4179 for part 145 organisations until revised PCN Aerospace scheme implemented. The UK NAndtB will manage individual cases for personnel performing tasks under part 145, certified in accordance with EN4179, requiring approval after 28 November, until such time BINDT accreditation process is in place. The UK NAndtB will establish processes and procedures to support this where necessary.