Town Hall Meeting
Reporting services – w/base jurs permission – 100 or more clients – report directly to the CH? Strictly first time filings. Should service providers have access to on-line filings? Should carrier provide access to service providers by providing the service provider a user ID and password? Would there be a time savings?
Exempt all government vehicles? Government plated vehicles only State vehicles, school buses, etc. Link IRP and IFTA suspension processes? Some jurisdictions, these are already linked; if tax is due, plate is suspended Decals – early display How does it work? What must a carrier display – 2005 license/2006 decals? Full sets of credentials for both years?Would industry be comfortable with both decals being displayed? Perhaps this issue could be taken to the IAC for input
Definition of Base Jurisdiction – IFTA v IRP Ballots not sponsored by APC last year: Rental / Lease Agreement in the vehicle (possible LEC ballot) Electronic reporting devices - testing, annual maintenance/repair Netting of fuel taxes and jurisdictional surcharges
IFTA, Inc. – provide worksheet to calculate return – electronic worksheet All jurisdiction returns look a bit different Provide links to jurisdiction websites (already done for several) Decal issuance – why does it take 30 to 90 days to issue additional decals?
Interpretation of account status – is that possible? Should timeframes be placed on suspension and revocation? In theory, no difference between suspension and revocation. AZ e-file success – to what is it attributed? How to report relief operations on 3Q05 return?
Executive Orders are confusing – may be interpreted in different ways. Anyone who had IFTA and IRP are not exempt – anyone else is???? Action item: Gather information and have jurisdictions post the information on their websites send information to IFTA, Inc.
Ask for information from the jurisdictions to explain Executive Orders and any exemptions that may apply. For Audit – the 3Q05 will not be representative of a carrier’s operations (maybe).
Law Enforcement Issues LEC has no ballot proposals yet LE have noticed that on the back of the decals are diagrams of where to place the decals on the truck – may want to think about this issue – post on IFTA website for suggestions or comments
Work on instructions for placement of decals – stressing the importance Enforcement – gvwr – problem MESSAGE BOARD – USE IT Committee membership – PLEASE VOLUNTEER Suggestions with Best Practices Manual – send to APC and LEC Thoughts on exemption database