Use Datax SM 9805R 1. Run SM9105J This post completed credits and GPA for the quarter Note: After check calc has ran for the first time in the quarter, we run SM9110J to post attempted credits for students that only had auto app and no funds that went to a check. We don’t run this again because it will override the attempted credits if the student drops credits.
Download to Excel for easy sorting. First, sort by credits completed. Students that have completed full-time or more you can delete. Then sort by credits attempted and check if they completed credits within that credit range.
Example of output
Now sorted by credits completed and have renamed columns. w sorted by credits completed and have renamed columns.
Deleted students that completed full time credits.
Here sort was done by attempted credits and then by completed credits. This determines if the student completed credits within the attempted credit range. (i.e.. Attempted 11 crds ¾ time completed 10)
Have deleted students that completed credits within the credit range. Now you determine if they go on probation or suspension
Place a track code (we use RS) on tracking 0000 screen with date and enter year session in comment section. Suspension letters are sent to students. Change award status to 4 (this is our SAP award status code) on all future quarters. If probation, place track code for probation and send probation letter. If two consecutive quarters of probation we suspend them.
R un a DATAX that counts all attempted credits for students that have a FAFSA on file based on your track code (i.e. 03 financial aid application) for first year session. Save the output as a DBF file.
ENTER SELECTION VALUES TRACK-CODE: 03 YR-SES A891 (this is the yr-sess that the track code is on) CR (leave blank) GR (leave blank) YRQ (leave blank to pick up all quarters on the transcript. If you want a specific quarter, you can enter the specific quarter.) CI-DEPT-DIV: NE ABE AND NE ESL (enter this so you won’t pick up ABE or ESL) CI-COURSE-NUM: GT 089 (this is so you will pick up all 90 level courses and above)
Then run DATAX procedure that looks to see the number of credits the student is registered for in the current yrsess. The DX we use also picks up their program code and intent code Name of Datax at WVC: Stuprogram YRQ: current year quarter (ie. A893) And BRANCH; leave blank And STU-INT:leave blank and STU-PRG-ENRleave blank
Downl oad output into ACCESS and run a simple query between the two tables. Copy query into EXCEL to add credits and to sort.
In Excel I a dd total credits with registered credits and make new column for this. First sort by intent code to find those with ineligible intent code then sort by programs and total credits. Delete all those that are not close to the MTF limit. Need to manually compare credits to your list programs and the credit limit.
Example of copied information into Excel
The program, credits in program and type of degree come from the registrar inventory sheet.