Welcome to LDS Jeopardy! Be certain your answers in question format.
Final Jeopardy Question Arithmetic Camp Rules, Dude!!! 500 Daily Life Lions, Tigers, Bears, Oh my!!! Geography Pioneers Knee Slappers
Not in Play for this game Answer
11 x 6 = total number of oxen that first accompanied the Saints toward Utah. Answer
100 – 27 = number of wagons that first set out toward the west from Winter Quarters. Answer
= number of men, children and women in the first company of pioneers which left Winter Quarters in April 1847.
= number of dogs first taken across the plains. Answer
Not in Play for this game. Answer
Where do you think you're going? Every man must stay by this, which carried equipment, food and other important supplies. Answer
Rise and shine! This is the time to get up, pray, eat breakfast and feed and water the animals. Answer
Hey sleepyhead! It's 9:01 PM! Your one minute late for this. Answer
This is a shape the wagons was form at night. Answer
Not used in this category. Answer
Name two states the Mormon pioneers crossed. Answer
Daily double This rock near the Nebraska Wyoming border marked the halfway point of the journey from winter quarters to the Salt Lake Valley.
Brigham Young built this trail along the north side of the Platte River and named it this. Answer
This popular trail that led through the Rocky Mountains was used by traders, for trappers and explorers.
This question not used. Answer
This reptile rattle can be heard up to 60 feet away. Answer
This animal is also called a bison. Answer
These animals travel in packs. Answer
A male (boy) one of these animals is called a buck, a female (girl) is called a doe. Answer
Not used in this round. Answer
Why did the horse eat with his mouth open? Answer
What are eggshells used for? Answer
What animals can jump higher than a house? Answer
When Brigham Young left winter quarters, what did he see on his right hand? Answer
This question not used here. Answer
“Daily Double” The leader not drive cars across the plains, one man, William Clayton, invented a device called the “odometer”. Today there is odometer in every car. What does it do? Answer
Are you lost? Well, I hope you can find your way because pioneers were the ones who created these for other pioneers.
What? No McDonald's? Nope, pioneers do this if they got hungry. Answer
No freeways here! The Pioneers made roads and these so that other Saints who came later could cross over rivers.
Choose how many of your points you want to double. If you get the question right, you add more points. If you get the question wrong, you stay the same. Question
The Mormon pioneers had a goal to reach the Salt Lake Valley, but, sometimes things were difficult and ran into obstacles along the way. We too have goals we want to reach but sometimes we too run into obstacles along our way. Name one goal you have completed trying to reach read D&C 136 versus 31 through 32. What three things can we do to help accomplish our goals? Answer
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What are 737?
Back What are 66?
Back What is Arithmetic for 500
Back What is a circle?
Back What is bed?
Back What is 5:00 a.m.?
Back What is his wagon?
Back Camp rules, dude! For 500 points
Back What is the Oregon Trail?
Back What is the Mormon trail?
Back What is chimney rock?
Back What are Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming or Utah?
Back What is geography for 500 points?
Back What are dear?
Back What are wolves?
Back What is a Buffalo?
Back What is a rattlesnake?
Back What is lions, tigers, bears, oh my!!!
Back Four Fingers and a thumb.
Back All animals – houses can't jump!
Back To hold eggs together!
Back Because he had bad stable manners!
Back What is pioneered knee slappers for 500 points?
Back What are bridges?
Back What is hunt for food?
Back What are maps?
Back What is keep track of distance?
Back What is daily life for 500 points?
What is Learn Wisdom / Prepare Be Humble Pray If you were right, add your guess to your score. If you were wrong, subtract your guess to your score.
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David Pearson Most of the Questions and answers used in this presentation came from the “Primary Jeopardy Review Game” by David Pearson as posted on Sugardoodle.com