11/23/2010 ©Evergreen Public Schools Hollywood Budgets Teacher Notes Big Ideas : 1)The axes of a scatterplot does not have to start at zero. The axes need to be consistent from the first number on the axes. 2)You make better predictions when your graph is scaled to match the data. Task : Students predict how much the movie Avatar will gross in the U.S. Have students work in pairs. Give half the class the worksheet with the x -axis starting at zero, and give the other half the worksheet with the x -axis starting at 200. DON’T LET THEM KNOW THERE ARE 2 DIFFERENT FORMS. Have students present their predictions. Hopefully half with the zero axis will find the task much more difficult than the half with the 200 axis.
©Evergreen Public Schools Learning Target I can write an equation of a line that is a good model for a set of data. I can use that equation to make predictions about the data. What do you know about conjectures?
©Evergreen Public Schools LaunchLaunch How can linear models be useful in jobs outside of a math class? You will use a linear model to predict how much a movie will make when we know the movie’s budget.
©Evergreen Public Schools ExploreExplore
5 Hollywood Budgets Guess which movies of 2011 had large budgets. Let’s find out…
©Evergreen Public Schools Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II Transformers: Dark of the Moon Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part 1 The Hangover 2 Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides The Big Hollywood Budgets
©Evergreen Public Schools Fast Five Cars 2 Thor Rise of the Planet of the Apes Captain America: The First Avenger The Big Hollywood Budgets
©Evergreen Public Schools There is a big budget movie in the theaters now. Can you guess what it is? Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Now Playing:
©Evergreen Public Schools The Task: Use the data on the taskcards to predict the US Gross for the movie MI: Ghost Protocol. Be sure to include a line, an equation for the line and a prediction. Grouping : Work in pairs. The Biggest Hollywood Budgets
©Evergreen Public Schools Feedback Exchange your work with another group. Discuss how the group approached the problem, and leave a sticky note with at least one “I noticed…” and one “I wonder…” Repeat this process until all groups have several examples. Return papers to original pair. Give them time to read the comments. The Biggest Hollywood Budgets
©Evergreen Public Schools Debrief Thinking about what other groups did… What did you notice? What did you wonder?
©Evergreen Public Schools US Gross We can find out the US Gross made by MI: Ghost Protocol.US Gross
©Evergreen Public Schools Resources Internet: –National Library of Virtual Manipulatives search for scatterplot – –
©Evergreen Public Schools Learning Target Did you hit the target? I can write an equation of a line that is a good model for a set of data. I can use that equation to make predictions about the data. Rate your understanding of the target from 1 to 5. 5 is a bullseye!
©Evergreen Public Schools Practice Cell phone calls vs. text messages