City Laws & Land Workshop – April 9, 2014 Becky Lundberg Witt, Staff Attorney
Community Law Center’s Legal Services We provide legal services to community and nonprofit organizations throughout Maryland to promote stronger and more vibrant neighborhoods.
CHOICE OF ENTITY Sole proprietorship or partnership Easy! No paperwork! Liability. For-profit corporation (including B-corp) Liability protection. $$ & time. Nonprofit corporation Tax exempt. Liability protection. $$ & time. Lack of control.
Finding Property Owners SDAT Real Property Search: (or just Google “MD SDAT”) SDAT Business Entity Information Search: charter/CharterSearch_f.aspx
Privately-owned Land Land ownership = “bundle of rights.” Right to convey, devise, use. Right to exclude. Entry onto land belonging to another person without permission is a trespass.
Self-Help Nuisance Abatement Do you have standing? NOTICE, aka: THE LETTER (not just any letter). Using the community’s voice.
City-Owned Land (Adopt-A-Lot) Adopt-A-Lot agreement = license, not a lease. License: Permission to use for a particular purpose. Revocable (w/30 days’ notice). City can use discretion to let a group finish its growing season (not required to do so).
Step 3: Other Legal Considerations for Greening Zoning Agricultural laws and regulations (e.g., nutrient management) Liability concerns Limitations of self-help nuisance abatement, adopt-a-lot license – Risks of owner returning at any time – Understand that you do not own the property
Community Law Center, Inc Keswick Road, Suite 200 Baltimore, MD phone fax To apply for legal assistance contact Becky Witt