WITSML Service Platform - Enterprise Drilling Information David Archer Wellstorm Development david.archer@wellstorm.com
About Wellstorm 31900 Ranch Road 12 Suite 206 Dripping Springs, TX
Technology Entrepreneurship Accepted as HTC Client Company 2007-2008 Texas's largest technology business incubator / accelerator and the center for technology entrepreneurship in Houston
WITSML Service Platform Real Time Drilling Hub Web-based server for collecting and distributing real time drilling data using
WSP: Configuration WITSML Applications ESB Custom Application Service Data WITSML Applications Others Data BH/RigLink SLB/InterAct Halliburton/Insite Custom Application Service ESB ORACLE ERP Service Other Business Services
WSP: Real Time Drilling Hub Collect drilling data from all your wells Drive critical drilling & geosteering applications via WITSML Custom web applications with really good custom reporting What happened on your rigs today or yesterday Plots of real data, not a hand written report Get the drilling supervisor out of the “data collection” business; focus on knowledge work
Aggregate data at rig site Expose/transfer WITSML Example WSP: Rig site Systems Accept WITS, WITSML, LAS Aggregate data at rig site Expose/transfer WITSML Example MD Totco/NOV RigSense integration 300+ time based channels @1 sec and growing
Interop WITSML DUBAI Nov 2008
WSP: Data Center Systems An oil company's data hub Hundreds of live wells Thousands of historical wells Support for hundreds of simultaneous users
WSP: Data Center Configuration WITSML Applications Others Data BH/RigLink SLB/InterAct Halliburton/Insite Custom Application Service ESB ORACLE ERP Service Other Business Services
Features of WSP Data Center Systems WITSML 1.4, 1.3.1 and 1.2.0, WITS over IP Mirror remote WITSML servers Robust J2EE + Oracle server foundation Windows Server or Linux Platform for building custom applications Integrates to your SOA
WSP: Integration WSP is a transfer hub WSP is an integration platform WSP is a repository WSP is basis for custom web applications Reporting Analysis & BI Integration with back office systems WITSML Applications Data ORACLE ESB
WSP: Some Views
WSP: Automated WITSML-Ops Report Connecting
Wellstorm Service Platform RTDH Drilling Data Services WITS Drillfloor feeds WITSML Store & Publish v 1.2.x v 1.3.1 v 1.4 Poll Remote WITSML servers for updated data Plain old HTTP RESTful interface With a web browser you can add/read/edit data Oracle SQL/XML Wellstorm stores all data as WITSML objects Directly accessible to programs If you know WITSML, you can use this data
Scalable and Available Clustered servers Start small, grow big Add servers on demand Remove servers on demand (survive failure) wellstorm wellstorm
Service Oriented Standard Java Enterprise Edition Containers Integrate with existing SOA infrastructure Fire events from RTDH to other services Send WITSML messages to RTDH from other services Enable integrations with services unaware of WITSML e.g. SAP: Logistics, Purchasing, Payroll....
Functional Features WITSML clients get, add, update, and delete real time WITSML data through STORE interface Retrieve WITSML data from WITSML providers using WITSML STORE interface by implementing getFromStore method Configure data retrieval and frequency at well, wellbore, object level Support WITSML 1.2.0, WITSML 1.3.1, WITSML 1.4 Receive WITS data Monitoring screens to detect any WITSML provider is not available Monitoring screens to detect if a data stops for a particular stream Alerting by e-mails or SMS messages for the above Subscribe to RSS feeds at object level Detect active wellbore automatically Retrieve WITSML data from WITSML providers by subscribing to a WITSML publisher using PUBLISH interface Export LAS files Import LAS files that are loaded from memory tools after the drilling job has been completed WITSML clients can subscribe to WITSML provider (the real time hub) using PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE interface
Non-functional Features Authentication through LDAP or Active Directory Secure messages through SSL/TLS Audit logs: add, update, delete; who; when More than 30000 requests in and out per minute. 250 users, managing 6 wells , 20 curves each Run on Windows Server, Linux, Solaris, or other Run on Weblogic, JBoss, or other Oracle 10/11g for reliable, available data storage
WSP: An Integration Platform Move burden to service companies to supply data by “Operating Company rules” Assemble your own best component suite using RTDH as hub KSI Drillworks/Predict SLB Perform TK Geolog Build custom workflows over all the data stored in your master repository Develop business intelligence by combining historical and real time information across wells, partners, contractors, etc. Wellstorm is independent - not an end to end service provider
Questions? David Archer Wellstorm +1 832 282-8132 david.archer@wellstorm.com
At a glance
Viewing Wells wells
Viewing Wellbores replace 26
Viewing WITSML objects
Fine grained access control replace 28
Enter WITSML quickly
Viewing WITSML objects
Editing data through simple HTML
Simple upload interface
Create objects with a click
WITSML queries
Log View
Activity and Performance Reporting
Automated Performance Reporting
Performance Statistics
Visualize NPT
Automated WITSML Ops-Report