SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES Oct. 27: “Make a Difference Day” women’s build with Habitat for Humanity Baton Rouge Food Bank – volunteers any time from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Register online at Nov. 5 – 10: Homecoming CANapalooza Nov. 16: Boys & Girls Club Thanksgiving Event Keep bringing cans for CANapalooza and books for the book drive! Can donation box at LSU Childcare at 4003 Gourrier Avenue (right off on side street off Highland Road going toward Burbank) Book donations – contact an officer
CHILDREN’S BOOKS Please bring new or gently used children’s books on or before November 16! We will wrap them and bring them to Our Lady of the Lake Hospital at our NMRE.
SCHOLARSHIPS $250 chapter scholarship will be given out at the end of the semester Deadline to apply is Wednesday, November 14 th by noon Scholarship application also posted online Over $600,000 worth of scholarships available through head quarters! Visit for more information.
REGIONAL SUMMIT When: March 1-3, 2013 Where: University of Texas at San Marcos Why: Great opportunity for networking, building leadership skills and connecting with your fellow members of Golden Key!
UPCOMING MEETINGS 4 th General Meeting – Monday, November 12 Professional Etiquette (most likely) *All meetings will be held at 6:00 PM in 241 Himes Hall unless further notice is given.